What is new

What is new

New features and improvements

  • Upgraded Amazon Corretto JRE to version 17
    The bundled Amazon Corretto JRE has now been upgraded from Java version 8 to version 17 ensuring regular security updates.


    With this upgrade, the JMS provider that connects to Apache Active MQ JMS server now uses the two jars activemq-core-5.7.0.jar, and geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec-1.0.1.jar.  Ensure that:

    • You use these two jars when you create a JMS provider that connects to Apache Active MQ JMS server.
    • You have updated any existing JMS provider that connects to Apache Active MQ JMS server to use these two jars.

    For more details, refer to this page.

  • Upgraded Spring Boot framework to version 3.0
    The Spring Boot framework has now been upgraded to version 3.0 for better performance and stability.
  • Enhanced SAML implementation
    With an upgrade to Sprint Boot version 3, the SAML implementation in Adeptia Connect has also now got enhancements. 
  • Support for Solution Promotion from web UI
    Adeptia Connect now brings an improved user interface to let you carry out Solution Promotion (export and import). Click here for more information.
  • Enhanced Runtime autoscaling using KEDA 
    Apart from CPU and Memory, autoscaling of Runtime pods can now also be achieved based on the number of messages in queued state. Click here for more information.
  • Limit the asynchronous request processing based on resource availability
    Apart from the synchronous requests, you can now also limit the asynchronous requests processing on a Runtime pod based on resource availability (CPU, or memory, or both). To achieve this, you can use the following two configurable threshold properties. Click here for more information.

    • readiness.probe.cpu.threshold
    • readiness.probe.memory.threshold
  • Support for external JWT token authentication in REST Provider
    Adeptia Connect now allows you to use a token issued by a third party to access a published REST API. Click here for more information.
  • Support for defining a REST provider by using Swagger YAML/JSON 
    You can now import an OAS 3.0 standards based Swagger YAML/JSON file to define a REST Provider. Click here for more information.
  • Password ageing policy
    You now have the option to configure the expiry time for the user login password. Click here for more information.
  • Support for Azure Files connector
    Adeptia Connect now lets you use Azure Files as a Source or Target in a Template/Transaction. Click here for more information.
  • Support for Layouts to read files having data in array format
    The following Layouts can now parse the files having data in single or composite array format. Click here for more information.
    • Text
    • Positional
    • Advanced positional
    • Advanced text
  • Improved AIMAP stability and performance
    Following improvements have been made in the AIMAP feature to make it more stable.
    • Schema embedding information that helps in giving the mapping suggestions is now saved in the database instead of files to maintain the data security and integrity and enhance the performance.
    • Adeptia Connect now introduces an environment variable AIMAP_BACKEND_URL to define a DB URL (in Python compatible format) for AIMAP to connect to the Backend Database. Click here for more information.
  • Reduced startup time for microservices pods
    Microservices pods startup time has now been reduced.
  • Support for Kerberos authentication for Oracle database
    You can now configure Kerberos authentication for Oracle database (Backend, Log, Quartz, and Log archive) by setting the relevant environment variables in the values.yaml file. For more details, click here.
  • Support for Kerberos authentication for Oracle database in DB Info
    You can now configure Kerberos authentication for Oracle database while creating a Database Info. For more details, click here.
  • Remove mapping or apply filter on multiple fields in one go
    You can now remove mapping or apply filter on multiple fields in one go without having to perform these tasks for each field individually. Click here for more information.
  • Support for messages aggregator and splitter in JMS connector
    You can now aggregate and split messages in JMS Event and Target activities respectively. For more details, refer to the pages JMS Event, and JMS Target.
  • Extract field names from a Layout
    You can now extract the names of the fields in a Layout using an API Endpoint. Click here for more information.
  • Enhancements in Logs Archival and Cleanup 
    Logs Archival and Cleanup feature has now been improved to offer more reliability and better performance.
  • Token-based authentication for NetSuite
    You now need to use token-based authentication to connect to a NetSuite account. Click here for more information.
  • Updated actions for BigCommerce 
    A set of new actions for BigCommerce has been added.
  • Introduction of Admin Restricted role
    You can now log in to the application as a less privileged Admin Restricted (newly added user role) with access limited to the followings:
    • Dashboard 
    • My Profile
    • My Company
    • Settings
    • System Console
    • Maintenance
      For more details, refer to this document.
  • Updated actions for Azure Blob target
    Some actions have been updated for Azure Blob target. For more details, refer to the documents Azure Blob Target and Azure Blob.
  • Configurable wait time for a blob to become stable
    You can now provide a wait time for the file to become stable before the Azure Blob Event gets triggered. For more details, refer to this page.
  • Display files size fetched by Azure Blob Event and Source
    The Dashboard now displays the size of the files fetched by an Azure Blob Event and Source. For more information, click here.
  • Support for Admin user to import the User type of objects
    The application now also enables any Admin user to import the User type of objects from one environment to the other. For more details, refer to this document.
  • Support for OAuth in Microsoft Dynamics CRM connector
    You can now use OAuth as the authentication type in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM connector. Click here for more information.
  • Landing to a desired page in case of multiple IdPs 
    The users can now land on to the desired page in Adeptia Connect even when you are using multiple IdPs for SSO. 
    Click here for more information.
  • Kafka Listener failure email notification 
    While creating or editing a Kafka Listener, you can now provide the email ids of the users to whom you want to send email notifications in case of its failure. Click here for more information.
  • Open a repository file in a new browser’s tab
    You can now open a repository file in a new browser’s tab instead of downloading them from the logs available on the Adeptia Connect dashboard.
  • Run Now option for an inactive Transaction and Template
    You can now use the Run Now option to execute a Transaction manually even if the Template/Transaction is not in active state. For more details, refer to this document.
  • Layout Builder for creating Advanced Database Layout 
    >> You can now create an Advanced Database Layout using the Layout Builder.
    >> A query editor has been introduced to retain and render a well-formatted structure to the query written therein.
    >> You can now use the placeholder to provide a value for a parameter in the dynamic where clause in the query editor to create the Advanced Database Layout.
  • Support for retaining the special characters in a JSON layout
    You now have the option to retain the special characters, for example, \n,\r, in a JSON data file by configuring the property abpm.connect.jsonschema.retainSpecialCharactersClick here for more information.
  • Deletion of saved REST Webhook attachments
    You can now configure a Template (with REST Webhook as a Source) to delete the attachments that are saved after the successful execution of a Transaction based on that Template. You can also configure a REST Provider – published as a Process Flow, having either PUT or POST method – to delete the attachments saved after its successful execution. For more details, refer to the pages Defining convert inbound source, and creating rest provider.

  • Support for custom Data Encoding
    You can now add and use a standard Data Encoding of your choice while creating a Template. Click here for more information.
  • OAS 3.0 standards API documentation for REST Webhook Transactions 
    Adeptia Connect now creates the OAS 3.0 standards API documentation for a REST Webhook Transaction. You can also edit the API documentation as when required. Using this API documentation, you can also execute a REST Webhook Transaction.  For more details, refer to the pages Adding API documentationUsing API Documentation for REST Webhook TransactionDefining a Convert Inbound Source application.
  • Option to create a copy of an EDI Template/Transaction
    You can now create a copy of an existing EDI Template/Transaction and modify it as per your need. For more details, refer to the pages Copying an EDI Template, and Copying an EDI Transaction.

  • Support for Email app at Destination in EDI Inbound/Outbound Transaction
    You can now also use Email as the destination app in an EDI Inbound/Outbound Transaction.
  • Addition of GET and DELETE methods for Advanced REST Webhook 
    Adeptia Connect now also supports GET and DELETE methods for an Advanced REST Webhook that you may want to use as a Source in a Template.
  • Support for Sys Admin to update his email id
    As a Sys Admin you can update your email id from the My Profile screen. For more details, click here.
  • Restriction on saving a mapping when external validation fails
    You can now choose to restrict saving the mapping until the external mapping validation succeeds. For more details, click here.
  • Support for selecting a Post Process Type (Transaction or Process Flow) by a Partner
    While creating a Templateyou can now allow partners to select the Post Process Type (Transaction or Process Flow) at the Choose Process step at the destination having Post Process as the Target. 
  • Send one or more payloads to a REST Consumer
    You can now send one or multiple payloads along with the file to a REST Consumer. Click here for more information.

Security enhancements 

  • Vulnerable third-party jars have been upgraded to remove critical and high vulnerabilities.
  • The encryption key is now saved in encrypted format instead of plain text for enhanced security.

Bug Fixes

  • Pod Disruption Budget (PDB) for database migration, and static and migration jobs were not getting deleted, whereas their respective jobs were getting deleted. This was causing problem while upgrading the Kubernetes cluster. PDB has now been removed from the installation package for database migration, and static and migration jobs as it is not required.
  • Release name was not being prefixed in the runtime deployments and pods.
  • When users upgraded the application to a newer version, the HPA and other configuration for runtime microservice provided in the values.yaml file were not getting updated in the shared runtime deployment.
  • Certain DB activities were failing to execute.
  • A SOAP Provider, created without a port assigned to it, failed to open in edit mode.
  • The users were not able to move to the next screen when they selected an EDI specification and clicked OK on the Select EDI Specification screen while creating an EDI Layout.
  • Users were not able to open the applets because of the expired certificate.
  • The users were not able to change the property values for an existing Record Queue Producer migrated from AIS to AC.
  • On changing the alias name of a CALL action in a Process Flow, the associated variables were not displayed in the Variable Name field of the variable's Activity Properties screen.
  • The users were getting the error "You have not given Related Key" when they clicked OK on the Select Schema screen while creating an Advanced Database Layout.
  • Users were not able to hit a REST provider through a JS client if the provider had a security policy applied to it.
  • The execution of Process Flows bound with an Azure Blob event failed due to multiple large sized Blobs.
  • Users were not able to download files from the specified folders in the Azure Blob container.
  • Users were not able to use BigCommerce as a source or target in a template.
  • Users were getting an error while executing an EDI outbound transaction with Content Based routing and having IDOC layout as the source.

  • Users were getting an error while creating an IDoc layout of "Extension" type.
  • Users were not able to select or create a REST Consumer with GET method while creating a Custom Template.
  • A user encountered a data truncation error while trying to edit and save an Excel Layout created by another Business User.

  • In the clustered environment, the execution of process flow was taking longer than expected when the Recoverable Process Flow option was enabled in it, and the shared path was Azure file share.
  • When the user uploaded a file in an existing Excel Layout -- created using a file -- and saved it, the Sheet Name value in the layout was shown in encrypted format in edit mode.
  • While creating or updating a Database Info, the test for database connection failed with an error when they used a password containing any of the special characters (?,#,{,},[,],") in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
  • It was taking longer than expected to open a transaction in edit mode.
  • After upgrading to AC v3.5, while viewing or editing an existing Transaction, the users were not able to view the Transaction parameters though they had been defined at the Template level.
  • The value of the Password type of template/transaction parameter was visible in the View screen of the respective template/transaction.
  • The execution of an EDI outbound relationship was failing as the Transaction Set Control number was going out in an incorrect format.
  • Users were not able to edit the FTP Target associated with an EDI Transaction migrated from AIS to AC.
  • No error was thrown when the database connection test failed while creating a Database Info.
  • The user with two different roles faced access issues while trying to execute a WS Provider created by him in a role other than the one he was logged in to the application. 
  • Incorrect error was thrown when the JMS connection test failed while creating a JMS Source.
  • Some of the configuration files such as Web Form WAR, Truststore, Keystore, etc. remained in use and could not be replaced when all the microservices pods were in running state. This issue has been resolved by copying the configuration files to the pod storage using INIT container.
  • A SOAP Provider, created without a port assigned to it, failed to open in edit mode.
  • Some of the Process Flows got aborted with "Header not found" error when multiple files were processed using an Azure Blob Event.
  • EDI Interchange logs were not getting rendered properly in the PDF file available in respective DATA VIEW column in Dashboard > Transactions.
  • For a Process Flow, the system created repository file (0 kb) even when Generate Stream for activities such as Database target, Advanced Database target, and Custom Plugin was disabled. This also held true in case of a Stored Procedure having Context Parameters as the value for the Output Mode field.

Adeptia Connect v4.2.1

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.2.1, which includes the following new features and bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.2.1 remains the same as that for AC v4.2.

New feature

  • The values for the following properties of the Azure Service Bus target in a process flow can now be set or overridden at runtime. 
    • Correlation ID
    • Message ID
    • Label/Subject
    • Reply To
    • To
    • Session ID

      To set or override the values at runtime, do the followings:
      1. In the Process Flow, open the Activity Properties panel for the Azure Service Bus target .
      2. Select VARIABLES, and then Input.
      3. Select Activity as Type.
      4. In the Name field, select the property whose value you want to set or override.
      5. In the Value field, enter the value for the field you selected in step 4. 
      6. Click Add.
  • You can now replace an existing Azure Service Bus (ASB) target with another ASB target in a Process Flow at runtime. To do this,
    1. In the Process Flow, open the Activity Properties panel for the Azure Service Bus target .
    2. Select VARIABLES, and then Input.
    3. Select Activity as Type.
    4. In the Name field, select TypedId.
    5. In the Value field, enter the Typed Id of the ASB target you want to use with the Process Flow. 
    6. Click Add.
  • In an Azure Service Bus listener, you now have the option to process all the messages irrespective of their Session IDs. For more details on Azure Service Bus listener, click here.

Bug fixes

  • Users were not able to connect to the Oracle database (used as Backend, Log, Quartz, and Log archive database) using Kerberos authentication. To ensure successful connection, follow the details given here.
  • Users were unable to connect to the Source or Target database when the Database Info activity used in them was configured to use Kerberos authentication. To ensure successful connection, follow the details given here.
  • For a Process Flow, the system created repository file (0 kb) even when Generate Stream for activities such as Database target, Advanced Database target, and Custom Plugin was disabled. This also held true in case of a Stored Procedure having Context Parameters as the value for the Output Mode field. This has now been fixed for Process Flow's runtime execution as well.

Adeptia Connect v4.2.2

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.2.2, which includes the following new features and bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.2.2 remains the same as that for AC v4.2.

New feature

  • Support for Kerberos authentication for Backend and Log database in AIMap.

Bug fixes

  • krb5.conf file path was not getting set properly in microservices.
  • Kerberos configuration information was not getting set properly in runtime deployment.
  • After changing logging level to Debug, the Event service failed to resume.
  • Users were not able to use the APIs for System Console following the instruction given in documentation
  • Users were getting error when they used Hikari as the Connection Pool in Database Info activity.
  • Adeptia Connect UI was frequently getting stuck when kerberos authentication was used for Backend and Log Databases.

Adeptia Connect v4.2.3

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.2.3, which includes the following new features and bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.2.3 remains the same as that for AC v4.2.


The upgrade to AC v4.2.3 is certified only on AC v4.2.2.

New features

  • The Min Size and Max Size fields in the Advanced Text Layout now have predefined/default values of the character count. You can change these default values based on your requirement. Additionally, you can now perform the following actions in an Advanced Text Layout created/edited using the default method or the Layout Builder.
    • Specify a field that you want to use as the record identifier in an Advanced Text Layout. 
    • Ignore a record that does not hold any value in any of its fields, including the record identifier. 

  • In case of using Ingress, the application now uses port 443 for accessing REST provider endpoints. This could be achieved by adding an environment variable DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT with 443 as its value in the global values.yaml file.

  • In addition to the number of running pods of runtime (both shared and dedicated deployments) microservice, you can now also see the following information about runtime pods execution on the application’s System Console > Report screen.

    • Concurrency
    • Number of Transactions/Process Flows in running state
    • Number of Transactions/Process Flows in queued state

Bug fixes

  • The partner users were not able to select an Advanced Database Source in a Transaction.

  • The response had the status code "200" even when there is an error while copying a Mapping or Layout using API.
  • Users were unable to create an Oauth Account using an Oauth Profile that had rather long Client Id or Client Secret used in it.

  • Azure Blob Event was fetching all the types of files even when it was configured to search for only specific types of files, for example, .txt.

  • The Logs Clean-up screen (Under Account > Tools > Maintenance) was not getting loaded. This has been fixed, however, the users will not be able to see the repository file size on this screen for now.

  • Users were not getting relevant error message when the following layouts were used for parsing the files larger than 100KB in size.
    • Text
    • Advance Text
    • Advance Positional
    • Positional
  • In case of using the following layouts, the users encountered an error when they clicked inside a blank subfield of an array field.

    • Text

    • Advance Text
    • Advance Positional
    • Positional
  • While uploading a file containing array data to the following layouts, the users encountered an error “Uploaded file is not in correct format” if a subfield’s name of an array field contained spaces.

    • Text
    • Advance Text

Adeptia Connect v4.2.4

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.2.4, which includes the following new features and bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.2.4 remains the same as that for AC v4.2.


The upgrade to AC v4.2.4 is certified only on AC v4.2.3.

New features

Bug fixes

  • Users were not able to upload a file of more than four MB size to the Azure Blob Target.

  • The dashboard did not show the queued Process Flows that were bound with a JMS Event.
  • Testing of an Azure Service Bus account was getting failed in case the users did not have Manage, Listen, and Send permissions on Azure Portal.
  • The Deployments Information screen that appears by going to System Console > Report > Runtime (Process Execution) > View displayed incorrect information about a dedicated deployment in case another deployment with a similar name existed.
  • The messages were not getting processed concurrently when the Process All Sessions was enabled in an Azure Service Bus Listener. This has been fixed by introducing Max Concurrent Sessions and Max Concurrent Calls parameters. For more details, refer to this page.
  • The SAML users were not able to view and edit any of the following activities from within the Web Process Designer:
    • Application Source
    • Application Target
    • Azure Service Bus Target

    • and Stored Procedure
  • Some Process Flows were getting aborted with Header not found error when a large number of Azure Blob files were being processed. 
  • The custom IT users (company only type) were not able to view the queued Process Flows on the Dashboard.

Changes in roles zip file

There is no change in the roles.tgz (roles zip) file for this release.

Changes in values.yaml file

The values.yaml file for AC v4.2.4 has got changes when compared to that for AC v4.2.3. For more details, refer to this page.

Adeptia Connect v4.2.5

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.2.5, which includes the following new features and bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.2.5 remains the same as that for AC v4.2.


The upgrade to AC v4.2.5 is certified only on AC v4.2.4.

New features

  • You can now enable database connection leak detection mechanism in the application by using the following environment variables in values.yaml file. By default, the database connection leak detection is disabled as these variables are set to 0 (zero). To enable it, set a time (in milliseconds) as the value for these variables. 

  • Readiness probe has been optimized to prevent the pods from going into non-ready mode.

Bug fixes

  • Azure Service Bus Listener failed to consume a message sent with a delay of 10 minutes or more. The following configurable parameters have been introduced for the Azure Service Bus Listener activity to address this issue.
    • Max Auto Lock Renew Duration: The maximum duration (in minutes) for automatically renewing a lock on a message during message processing.
    • Session Timeout: The maximum duration (in hours) for which the Azure Service Bus Listener will keep checking for the message. If no message is received during this period, the session gets timed out and listener would not process any message further. 
    • Max Retries: The maximum number of attempts made by the Azure Service Bus Listener to check for the new messages.
    • Retry Delay: The frequency (in seconds) at which the Azure Service Bus Listener checks for a new message.
    • Retry Mode: Defines if the value for the Retry Delay field is fixed or exponential in nature.
      • Fixed: Azure Service Bus checks for a new message at a fixed interval (value provided in Retry Delay field).
      • Exponential: Refers to the exponential increase in message checking frequency at every attempt. This increase is calculated as Retry Delay * Max Retries.
    • Max Retry Delay: The maximum permissible delay between message checking attempts.
  • The following jars went missing from the /shared/customClasses folder during the application upgrade.

    • DataInterfaceUtils.jar
    • EDIUtils.jar
    • MapperUtility.jar

Adeptia Connect v4.2.6

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.2.6, which includes the following bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.2.6 remains the same as that for AC v4.2.


The upgrade to AC v4.2.6 is certified only on AC v4.2.5.

Bug fixes

  • After switching from the primary to the secondary region, the JMS messages were getting processed on the primary region even when the Scheduler in the primary region was paused.
  • The AUTOSCALING file got deleted on the deletion of a dedicated Queue.
  • The Runtime deployment manager created multiple replica sets due to high CPU usage.
  • There was a Datadog service tag label mismatch for dedicated Runtime deployments.
  • In some cases, AIMap failed to provide mapping suggestions and threw 504 Gateway Timeout error.
  • After the execution of an EDI Inbound Transaction, the EDI X12 Interchange log for the Transaction on the Dashboard did not show the link to the output file in the FILE > OUT column.
  • When users created a Transaction/Template using FTP as the source application, the On File Exists event trigger type was unavailable for selection.
  • Users were getting an error when they clicked Success or Error links (to see the successful or failed Transactions) in Non EDI and EDI tabs on the Dashboard's Overview screen.
  • On deleting the copy of an EDI Transaction, the FTP Target set at the destination of the original Transaction got removed.
  • Users were getting an error when they tried to see the list of Custom, Convert, DI, EDI, and Pass-Thru Transactions by clicking their corresponding links available below the donut chart on the Transactions manage page.
  • The application showed Adeptia Connect home page before it loaded the form for creating the application Source or Target in Web PD.
  • The Acknowledgements section on the Dashboard > Overview > EDI tab did not show any entries for the executed EDI Transactions (with Expect Acknowledgement set to Yes).
  • The Acknowledgements, Inbound Transactions, and Outbound Transactions sections on the Dashboard > Overview > EDI tab did not show any entries for the executed EDI Transactions (with Expect Acknowledgement set to Yes).
  • The Top 5 Partners By Volume and Top 5 Message Types By Volume sections on the Dashboard > Overview > EDI tab did not show any entries for the successfully executed EDI Transactions.

Changes in values.yaml file

The values.yaml file for AC v4.2.6 has got changes when compared to that for AC v4.2.5. The default value for the CPU limits and CPU requests in the runtimedeploymentmanager section has been changed to 1500m and 300m respectively, as shown in the following screenshot.

Adeptia Connect v4.2.6.1

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.2.6.1, which includes the following bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.2.6.1 remains the same as that for AC v4.2.


The upgrade to AC v4.2.6.1 is certified only on AC v4.2.6.

New features

  • All the microservices now support Kerberos authentication.

Bug fixes

  • When the Listener Microservices was restarted, the IT Users were unable to access the logs for a Process Flow that used an ASB Listener.
  • During execution, the Process Flow/Transaction continued using the previously configured connection pool set in the DB Info even when the database connection pool was changed.
  • The dedicated Runtime deployments failed to parse the application name defined in the DD_TAGS environment variable in the values.yaml file.

Changes in values.yaml file

  • The following environment variables have been added to the globalenvironmentVariables section in values.yaml file.


    Default value






Adeptia Connect v4.2.6.3

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.2.6.3, which includes the following enhancements and bug fix. The documentation for AC v4.2.6.3 remains the same as that for AC v4.2.


The upgrade to AC v4.2.6.3 is certified only on AC v4.2.6_Beta.

New features

  • The runAsNonRoot parameter has now been defined at container level.
  • A non-root user has now been bundled with each docker image. This enables only the bundled user to run the processes in the application.
  • The DD_PROXY_NO_PROXY tag has been added to all the deployments to send traces related to proxy to datadog.
  • You can now configure Git proxy by following the steps given below.
    1. Open the deployment file of webrunner.
    2. Add -Djdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes="" to the JAVA_OPTS variable.
    3. Log in to the Adeptia Connect.
    4. Click Account > Settings.
    5. Expand Miroservice Settings in the left panel.
    6. Select WebRunner.
    7. Expand Version Control.
    8. Update the properties described in the following table.


      Default value

      abpm.versionControl.proxy.enableProvide the value as true to enable the proxy server to access the version control system.
      abpm.versionControl.proxy.hostProvide the host name of the proxy server.
      abpm.versionControl.proxy.portProvide the port number of the proxy server.
      abpm.versionControl.proxy.usernameProvide the username for the proxy server.

      Provide the password for the proxy server.

Bug fixes

  • The runtime pods failed to come up and running as the following environment variables for runtime were not getting set at the time of deployment.

Adeptia Connect v4.2.7

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.2.7, which includes the following bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.2.7 remains the same as that for AC v4.2.


The upgrade to AC v4.2.7 is certified only on AC v4.2.6.

New features

  • While editing an existing layout, you can now download the XSD, hierarchy XML, and the field file for the Layout based on your requirement. For more details, refer to this page.
  • Adeptia Connect now enables you to access and use a LAN file Source or Target from within the Kubernetes cluster. To achieve this, you need to create a PVC for the LAN file server by following the steps given on this page.
    This PVC mounts to the following microservices:

    • archival-and-cleanup

    • event

    • listener

    • portal

    • webrunner

    • runtime (dedicated & shared)

  • Adeptia Connect deployed through Adeptia Connect Rancher package now helps you back up and restore the storage volumes by using Adeptia Connect Longhorn UI. For more details, refer to this page.
  • You can now mount an additional storage to the Kubernetes nodes to expand the schedulable storage for the application deployment using Adeptia Connect Rancher package. For more details, refer to this page.
  • The users can now access the Kibana Dashboard only after successful authentication. For more details, refer to this page.
  • The Adeptia Connect Rancher package now performs the following pre-deployment checks:
    • Log and backend database connectivity
    • DNS domain of the Load Balancer
    • DNS domain for accessing Adeptia Connect portal
    • Ports status (opened or closed) on the Load Balancer and the nodes 

Bug fixes

  • The users were not able to migrate AC v3.x objects to AC v4.x environment.

  • The users were getting an error message on the Web Process Designer when the stream generated from an activity was not being consumed.
  • When the user edited an EDI (837) Transaction, the option selected in the Transaction Set Code field on the EDI Configuration screen was removed and required a re-selection .
  • The users were getting an error message while updating the Project field (Under Advanced Properties) for the EDI Layout X12_005010X222A1_837.
  • A re-activated Transaction could not be executed using the run now feature.
  • The Success or Error links in the EDI tab on the Dashboard's Overview screen did not display the correct number of entries based on the selected time period of execution as either 7 or 30 days.
  • After migrating from AIS to AC v3.7, the Time Stamp format "mmddyyyy" was missing for the FTP Target being used in a Transaction.
  • The users were facing GUI issues while editing a Non-EDI Outbound Relationship that had more than 4000 FTP Target types to select from.
  • Users were getting an error and not able to proceed to the next step while trying to update the FTP Target in an existing Transaction.
  • When the users tried to edit a Process Flow from within the Project manage page, they were getting redirected to Edit Template screen.
  • AIMap was not able to provide suggestions for some of the similar fields in Source and Target.
  • AIMap suggested branch nodes to be mapped to the leaf nodes.
  • The Inbound and Outbound Acknowledgements section on the Dashboard > Overview > EDI tab did not show the complete list of EDI Partners.
  • The users were getting an error message even when an EDI Partner got successfully deleted from the Partners manage page.
  • The Acknowledgements section on the Dashboard > Overview > EDI tab did not show any entries for the executed EDI Transactions (with Expect Acknowledgement set to Yes).
  • The Acknowledgements, Inbound Transactions, and Outbound Transactions sections on the Dashboard > Overview > EDI tab did not show any entries for the executed EDI Transactions (with Expect Acknowledgement set to Yes).
  • The Top 5 Partners By Volume and Top 5 Message Types By Volume sections on the Dashboard > Overview > EDI tab did not show any entries for the successfully executed EDI Transactions.
  • The Acknowledgements section on the Dashboard > Overview > EDI tab showed incorrect number of entries for the executed EDI Transactions (with Expect Acknowledgement set to Yes).
  • While moving activities from one Project to another, the activities that were not selected also got moved.
  • When the users upgraded to AC v4.2.5 or later, the existing ASB Listeners from the older versions threw an "NullPointerException" error on activation.

  • During execution, the Process Flow/Transaction continued using the previously configured connection pool set in the DB Info even when the database connection pool was changed.
  • The data was not displayed in EDI Message logs page for fields that were mapped and present in uploaded EDI Report File.
  • Some of the AC v4.x utilities (Webmapper, Webpd, and Custom Plugin) that were to use custom classes available in .../shared/customClasses folder did not run as expected.
  • The WSDL Layout being used at the destination of the mapping did not show all the fields/extensions.

Changes in roles zip file

The file nfs-pv.yaml has been added to the roles.tgz zip for this release to help you access and use a LAN file Source or Target from within the Kubernetes cluster. For more details, refer to this page.

Changes in values.yaml file

  • The following environment variables have been added to the global environmentVariables section in values.yaml file.


    Default value





  • The default value for USE_SUBJECT_CREDS_ONLY environment variable has been changed to true.
  • lanVolumeConfiguration section under global > infra has been added to values.yaml file. You can configure the properties (highlighted in red in the following screenshot) in this section to access and use a LAN file Source or Target from within the Kubernetes cluster. For more details, refer to this page.

Application package location

Adeptia Connect application (AC v4.2) is available as a Helm package in the ArtifactHUB. The migration Helm and roles zip also reside at ArtifactHUB. Here are their respective locations.

adeptia-connect: adeptia-connect 4.2.0 · adeptiainc/adeptia-connect (artifacthub.io) 

migration: migration 4.2.0 · adeptiainc/adeptia-connect-migration (artifacthub.io)

roles: roles 4.2.0 · adeptiainc/adeptia-connect-roles (artifacthub.io)

For the Helm package of other versions, select the appropriate version from the CHART VERSIONS section of the respective package in ArtifactHUB. 

To know about how to install the application using the Helm package, click here

AC v4.2 documentation 

You can visit the AC v4.2 documentation for detailed information on the application architecture, deployment, implementation, maintenance, and anything that you want to know about the application. 

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