Solution Promotion prerequisites

Before you perform the Solution Promotion steps, you need to make sure that you have met the prerequisites discussed in this section. Both Export and Import operations have their own set of prerequisites to adhere to. 

Prerequisites for export

You need to make sure that you have:

  1. The access to the source Kubernetes environment where the application is installed.
  2. Installed the followings:
    1. Helm

    2. kubectl client

Prerequisites for import

You need to make sure that you have:

  1. The Export ZIP file ready.
  2. The Retain XML file ready if you want to retain any activity.

    If you want to retain the activities while importing the objects, you need to configure the parameters in the retain.xml that you want to retain. The objects can be retained at service and field level. You will find retain.xml in the <shared>/migration/template folder. For more information, refer to Structure of Retain XML.
  3. Met the rest of the prerequisites same as that for Export.


If you ever make any changes to the resources in the migration values.yaml file, you need to change the JVM parameters accordingly through the environment variable JAVA_OPTS – It can be up to 70% of the allocated resources.