Configuring settings for login attempts

Configuring settings for login attempts

Adeptia Connect lets you configure and control the users' behavior with respect to their login attempts to prevent any uncalled for incidents in the system.  This section talks about the standards and parameters which you use and follow to ascertain controlled login attempts – It guides you on how to configure required settings on a server node.

You can configure the settings for invalid login attempts based on the following three parameters:

  • Invalid login attempt count: You can configure the number of valid login attempts. 

  • Invalid attempt time span: You can limit the number of attempts within the stipulated time. 

  • Lockout time: You can define for how long the users' account will be locked after their login attempts are over.

Follow the steps below to configure the properties:
  1. Click Accounts > Settings.
  2. Expand Server Node Settings on the left panel.
  3. Click the primary node.
  4. Click Edit on the top right corner.
  5. Expand Adeptia Connect
  6. Update the value of these properties as explained in the table below:

    PropertyDefault valueDescription
    abpm.connect.login.invalidLoginAttemptCount5You can configure this property for the number of valid login attempts. You can set the number of attempts as per your requirement. The default value for the property is five (5).
    Note :- If the value is set as 0, there will be unlimited login attempts. Any value of this property other than 0 or positive integer, will be treated as default value of 5.
    abpm.connect.login.lockoutTime1440This property helps you to define for how long the users' account will be locked after their login attempts are over. The default duration of the lockout is 1440 minutes. You need to define the value in minutes and it cannot be less than one (1) minute.
    Note :- If you define any value less than one (1), it will be considered as the default value (1440 minutes).
    abpm.connect.login.invalidLoginAttemptTimeSpan60This property helps you limit the number of attempts within the stipulated time you have defined here. The default stipulated time will be 60 minutes. You need to define the value in minutes and it cannot be less than one (1) minute.
    Note :- If you define any value less than one (1), it will be considered as the default value (60 minutes).
  7. Click Reload on the top right corner to reload the server node settings.