Adeptia Connect APIs
Akash Kumar Jaiswal (Unlicensed)
You can use the listed APIs on this page to view product information and to manage various activities (User, Partner, Transactions, Schema, and Mapping) from an external application. The API provides the way to fetch product information, Create, Update, and Delete activities without accessing the user interface. Use any REST client with the following header information to process your request.
Key | Header Information (value) |
Content Type | application/json |
ACCESS_TOKEN | To get the Access Token, refer below table for more details. |
API to Get Access Token
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Example Payload | Example Response |
Get Access Token | POST | /rest/login/user | {"username":"{User Name}","password":"{Password}"} |
Fetch Token Expand source
{ "tokenExpiresDays": 30, "ACCESS_TOKEN": "{access token}" } |
APIs for Managing Users
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Example Payload | Example and Notes |
Create User | POST | /rest/invitation?resourceIdentifier=users | For Single Partner and Single Role:{ "Invitation":{ "companyID":1, "contactEmail":"", "invitationType":300, "mailRecipient":"", "message":"Adeptia has invited you to use Adeptia Connect", "roleInfo":"[{\"partner\":1,\"roles\":[2],\"defaultRole\":2}]", "senderEmail":"", "subject":400 } }For Multiple Partner and Multiple Role:{ "Invitation":{ "companyID":1, "contactEmail":"", "invitationType":300, "mailRecipient":"", "message":"Adeptia has invited you to use Adeptia Connect", "roleInfo":"[{\"partner\":11524225847691,\"roles\":[11568264901750,11568264901759],\"defaultRole\":11568264901750},{\"partner\":11524225847699,\"roles\":[11568264920467,11568264920469],\"defaultRole\":11568264920467}]", "senderEmail":"", "subject":400 } }Note: In case of multiple partner and multiple role, you need to modify the roleInfo field with the respective activity IDs. | Example Response:
Create User Expand source
{ "invitationId":"11567494226899", "303":[ ] } |
POST | /rest/users/createuser | { "IndigoUser":{ "firstName":"James", "lastName":"Paul", "invitationId":11567494226899, "password":"P@ssw0rd", "roleId":null } } | Example Response:
Create User Expand source
{ "IndigoUser":{ "firstName":"James", "lastName":"Paul", "email":"", "company":"Adeptia", "id":"11567413236623", "userPartnerRole":[ { "partner":{ "id":1 }, "role":{ "id":2 }, "user":{ "id":"11567413236623" }, "defaultRole":true } ] } } Note: Use the invitation Id from the above Create User response. | |
Update User | PUT | /rest/users/{userId} | { "IndigoUser":{ "firstName":"James", "lastName":"Paul", "email":"", "company":"Adeptia", "id":"11567413236623", "userPartnerRole":[ { "partner":{ "id":1 }, "role":{ "id":2 }, "user":{ "id":"11567413236623" }, "defaultRole":true } ] } } | Example Response:
Update User Expand source
{ "IndigoUser":{ "firstName":"Test", "lastName":"User", "email":"", "company":"Adeptia", "id":"11567413236623", "userPartnerRole":[ { "partner":{ "id":1 }, "role":{ "id":2 }, "user":{ "id":"11567413236623" }, "defaultRole":true } ] } } |
Get User | GET | /rest/user/{userId} | ||
Get All Users (Connect Portal) | GET | /rest/user?limit={maximum number of users} | Using this API, you will get only Connect Portal users. By default the value of limit is 1. Moreover, the limit stands for maximum number of users can be fetched from the database. | |
Activate User | PUT | /rest/users/activate/{userId} | EMPTY | |
Deactivate User | PUT | /rest/users/deactivate/{userId} | EMPTY | |
Delete User | PUT | /rest/users/updateowner?oldUserId={userId}&deleteUser=true | EMPTY | By default this endpoint will delete the user who has no dependency else an exception message to move objects will be generated. |
APIs for Managing Partners
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Example Payload |
Create Partner | POST | /rest/company |
Create Partner Expand source
{ "Company": { "name": "Wallgreens", "partnerNetworks": [{ "id": 1 } "primaryContact": "", "phoneNumber": "2025550101", "address": "", "country": "", "status": 200, "enableSelfOnboard": false, "spokeCompany": false } } |
Update Partner | PUT | /rest/company/{partnerId} |
Update Partner Expand source
{ "Company": { "name": "Walmart Corporate" } } |
Delete Partner | PUT | rest/company/deletepartner/{partnerId} | EMPTY |
Update Partner Parameters | PUT | /rest/company/{partnerId} |
Update Partner Parameters Expand source
{ "Company": { "partnerParameter": [{ "id": "-0", "paramId": { "id": "11518430417328" }, "value": "Purchase Order" }, { "id": "-1", "paramId": { "id": "11518430417329" }, "value": "c" }] } |
Grant all Templates Access to Partner | POST | rest/templatepartnerlinkage?resourceIdentifier=company |
Grant Access to Partner Expand source
{ "TemplatePartnerLinkage": { "partner": { "id": 11535091945351 } } } |
Revoke all Templates Access to Partner | DELETE | rest/templatepartnerlinkage/partnerId?resourceIdentifier=company | EMPTY |
Grant a Template Access to Partner | POST | /rest/templatepartnerlinkage?isTemplate=true&resourceIdentifier=transactiontemplate |
Grant Access to Particular Template Expand source
{ "TemplatePartnerLinkage": { "partner": { "id": 11535091945351 }, "transactionTemplate": { "id": 11535091945352 } } } |
Revoke Template Access from Partner | DELETE | rest/templatepartnerlinkage/ {linkageId}?isTemplate=true&resourceIdentifier=transactiontemplate | EMPTY |
Move Partner from One Network to another | POST | /rest/company/{partnerId} |
Change Partner Network Expand source
{ "Company": { "partnerNetworks": [{ "id": 1 } ] } } |
Convert Internal Partner to External | POST | rest/company/enableSelfOnbaord |
Expand source
{ "partnerId" : "11529580510902", "firstName" : "Walmart", "lastName" : "Corporation", "userId" : "Walmart", "email" : "", "password" : "P@ssw0rd" } |
Convert Internal Partner to External Partner | POST | rest/users/import | Multipart RequestContentType : multipart/form-dataform-data Part1 :
APIs for Managing Transaction
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Example Request Payload |
Create Transaction | POST | /rest/transaction |
Create Transaction Expand source
{ "Transaction": { "entityName": "Data Transaction", "description": "To transfer benefits data.", "templateId": "1111111111100" } } |
Create Transaction with Parameters | POST | /rest/transaction |
Create Transaction with Parameters Expand source
{ "Transaction": { "entityName": "Data Transaction", "description": "To transfer benefits data.", "templateId": "547658658658658", "variableInfo": "{\"param1\" : \"value1\",\"param2\":\"value2\"}" } } |
Update Transaction | PUT | /rest/transaction/{transactionId} |
Update Transaction Expand source
{ "Transaction": { "description": "To transfer benefits data from xml file.", } } |
Update Transaction Parameters | PUT | /rest/transaction/{transactionId} |
Update Transaction Parameters Expand source
{ "Transaction": { "variableInfo": "{\"param1\" : \"value1\",\"param2\":\"value2\"}" } } |
Activate Transaction | PUT | rest/transaction/activate/{transaction_id} | {} |
Deactivate Transaction | PUT | rest/transaction/deactivate/{transaction_id} | {} |
Update the Transaction's event | PUT | rest/transaction/updateevent/{transaction_id} |
DELETE | DELETE | /rest/transaction/{transactionId} | EMPTY |
APIs for Managing Transaction for Custom Template
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Example Request Payload | Example Response |
Create Transaction | POST | /rest/transaction |
Create Transaction Expand source
{ "Transaction":{ "entityName":"MM_TM_Payroll_Submit_File Transaction", "description":"To transfer benefits data.", "partner":{ "id":11494913182612 }, "template":{ "id":11572856933900 }, "status":601, "type":504, "direction":3200, "srcTrigger":"onformsubmit", "processType":700, "company":{ "id":1 }, "contactUser":"", "metadata":[ { "activityId":"192168001115157614705356800011", "sequenceId":16, "sequenceType":"Mapping", "type":"DataMapping", "isUniqueName":false }, { "activityId":"192168001115157614699843700010", "sequenceId":13, "sequenceType":"Schema", "type":"XMLSchema", "isUniqueName":false }, { "activityId":"192168001115157614693311500006", "sequenceId":5, "sequenceType":"Schema", "type":"AdvanceTextSchema", "isUniqueName":false } ] } } To identify the sequence ID for each steps, it is recommended to run the below Get Step Info API. |
Create Transaction Expand source
{ "Transaction":{ "id":"1234568, "entityName":"MM_TM_Payroll_Submit_File Transaction", "description":"To transfer benefits data.", "partner":{ "id":11494913182612 }, "template":{ "id":11572856933900 }, "status":601, "type":504, "direction":3200, "srcTrigger":"onformsubmit", "processType":700, "company":{ "id":1 }, "contactUser":"", "metadata":[ { "activityId":"192168001115157614705356800011", "sequenceId":16, "sequenceType":"Mapping", "type":"DataMapping", "isUniqueName":false }, { "activityId":"192168001115157614699843700010", "sequenceId":13, "sequenceType":"Schema", "type":"XMLSchema", "isUniqueName":false }, { "activityId":"192168001115157614693311500006", "sequenceId":5, "sequenceType":"Schema", "type":"AdvanceTextSchema", "isUniqueName":false } ] } } |
Get Step Info | GET | /rest/transactiontemplate/getactivitiesinfo/{templateId}/{processFlowId} | EMPTY |
Get Step Info Expand source
[ { "id":"010000000208153912375678500006", "name":"PK_Read_Input_Data", "type":"FtpSource", "baseType":"Source", "trigger":true, "action":false, "include":true, "label":"PK_Read_Input_Data", "serviceDisplayName":"Source", "triggerLayout":false, "actionLayout":false, "eventContextEnabled":true, "references":null, "sequenceId":1, "formType":"TEMPLATE" }, { "id":"010000000208153912397741400010", "name":"PK_Excel_Schema_Src", "type":"TextSchema", "baseType":"SourceSchema", "trigger":false, "action":false, "include":true, "label":"PK_Excel_Schema_Src", "serviceDisplayName":"Source Layout", "triggerLayout":false, "actionLayout":false, "eventContextEnabled":false, "references":[ { "id":"010000000208153912375678500006", "name":"PK_Read_Input_Data", "type":"FtpSource", "baseType":"Source", "trigger":true, "action":false, "include":true, "label":"PK_Read_Input_Data", "serviceDisplayName":"Source", "triggerLayout":false, "actionLayout":false, "eventContextEnabled":true, "references":null, "sequenceId":1, "formType":"TEMPLATE" } ], "sequenceId":2, "formType":"TEMPLATE" }, { "id":"010000000208153912384088200008", "name":"PK_Write_Target_Data", "type":"FtpTarget", "baseType":"Target", "trigger":false, "action":true, "include":true, "label":"PK_Write_Target_Data", "serviceDisplayName":"Target", "triggerLayout":false, "actionLayout":false, "eventContextEnabled":false, "references":null, "sequenceId":3, "formType":"TEMPLATE" }, { "id":"010000000208153912399192000012", "name":"PK_Excel_Schema_Target", "type":"TextSchema", "baseType":"TargetSchema", "trigger":false, "action":false, "include":true, "label":"PK_Excel_Schema_Target", "serviceDisplayName":"Target Layout", "triggerLayout":false, "actionLayout":false, "eventContextEnabled":false, "references":[ { "id":"010000000208153912384088200008", "name":"PK_Write_Target_Data", "type":"FtpTarget", "baseType":"Target", "trigger":false, "action":true, "include":true, "label":"PK_Write_Target_Data", "serviceDisplayName":"Target", "triggerLayout":false, "actionLayout":false, "eventContextEnabled":false, "references":null, "sequenceId":3, "formType":"TEMPLATE" } ], "sequenceId":4, "formType":"TEMPLATE" }, { "id":"010000000208153912414793100013", "name":"PK_Mapping", "type":"DataMapping", "baseType":"DataMapping", "trigger":false, "action":false, "include":true, "label":"Mapping", "serviceDisplayName":"Mapping", "triggerLayout":false, "actionLayout":false, "eventContextEnabled":false, "references":null, "sequenceId":5, "formType":"TEMPLATE" } ] |
APIs to execute transaction
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Example Request Payload | Example Response |
Execute by File Upload | POST | rest/adhoc/fileupload/transaction/{transaction_id} | Content-Type: multipart/form-data Form Data uploadedFile="File to be uploaded" | {"success":true} |
Execute by Trigger Now (Run Now) | POST | rest/transaction/triggerjob/{event_type}/{transaction_id} | {} | {"noOfFileProcessedPerPolling": 1} |
event_type is the type of event. For example, "file" for File Event, "ftp" for FTP Event, "calendar" for Calendar Event, "rest" for Rest Consumer, etc.
APIs to schedule and update the event
Follow the steps below before you schedule and update the Event using the listed APIs:
- Deactivate the transaction associated with the event.
- Update the Polling Frequency or Cron Interval of the event to schedule the event.
- Activate the transaction.
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Example Request Payload |
Fetch Event | GET | rest/entities/events/{event_type}/{event_id} | N/A |
Execute by Trigger Now (Run Now) | PUT | rest/entities/events/{event_type}/{event_id} | Example: File event { "FileEvent": { "id": "192168001015159341823445900004", "pollingFrequency": "5$m" } } Example: Calender event { "CalendarEvent": { "id": "192168001139156636227726500004", "businessInterval": "0/30 * * * * ? *", "calendarType": "AllDays" } } |
Fetch all events | GET | rest/entities/{event_type}?page=1&limit=1000 Here, event_type will be the type of the event such as File events, FTP events, Database events, etc. You can also modify the value in the limit parameter. | N/A |
Where, event_type is the type of event. For example, "file" for File Event, "ftp" for FTP Event, "calendar" for Calendar Event, etc.
APIs for Managing Schema and Mapping
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Example and Notes |
Get all Schema and Mapping activities available to Partner | GET | /rest/activities/{partnerId} | By default this endpoint lists all the activities available to partner.To retrieve specific activities pass the comma separated service name query parameter as below?services=TextSchema,ExcelSchemaValid Service Names are
Note:Only those activities will be returned in response to which the requesting user is authorized to view as per permission settings.Admin will get all activities. |
Get all Schema and Mapping activities used by Partner in Transactions of a particular Template | GET | /rest/activities/{partnerId}/{templateId} | By default this endpoint lists all the activities used by partner for a particular template.To retrieve specific activities pass the comma separated service name query parameter as below?services=TextSchema,ExcelSchema (See above the list of valid service Names) By default all the available fields of all activities are returned in response. To limit the number of fields and to get specific fields pass the "fields" query param and pass the comma separated field names as below?fields=id,entityName |
APIs for Viewing Product Information
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Example Response |
View Connect Server (Developer Suite) Info | GET | /rest/fetchproperties/aboutinformation |
Connect Server Information Expand source
{ "aboutInformation":{ "productName":"Adeptia Connect", "productVersion":"2.9.2", "edition":"Enterprise", "installationDate":"19 Oct, 2018", "expiryDate":"8 Oct, 2019", "connectPortal":"2.9.2", "connectServer":"Release_AC_2_9_2_09Oct2018" } } |
View Connect Portal Info | GET | /rest/applications/getTag |
Connect Portal Information Expand source
{ "tag":"UmVsZWFzZV9BQ19XZWJfMl85XzNfMzFKYW4yMDE5X0FDXzJfOV8zXzMxSmFuMjAxOQ==", "acTag":"Release_AC_Web_2_9_2_09Oct2018_AC_2_9_2_09Oct2018" } |
APIs for System Console
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Example Request Payload |
System Console JSON (diagnostics.json) | GET | rest/diagnostics?component={component_name} | N/A |
- To fetch the complete JSON, the value of component_name will be all. For Example, rest/diagnostics?component=all.
- To fetch the individual component JSON, mention the component name. For example, rest/diagnostics?component=backend-database.
APIs for scheduler
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Example Request Payload |
Stop scheduler | GET | rest/schedulerservice?query=Stop&page=1&start=0&limit=<page size> | N/A |
Start scheduler | GET | rest/schedulerservice?query=Start&page=1&start=0&limit=<page size> | N/A |
Pause scheduler | GET | rest/schedulerservice?query=Resume&page=1&start=0&limit=<page size> | N/A |
Resume scheduler | GET | rest/schedulerservice?query=Pause&page=1&start=0&limit=<page size> | N/A |
Here, <page size> indicates the number of activated event displayed on each page.
APIs for kernel
Operation | Method | API Endpoint | Content Type | Example Request Payload |
Pause kernel | POST | rest/serviceAction/pause/Kernel?component=kernel&nodeName= <nodename> | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | kernelStatus=Pause Kernel |
Resume kernel | POST | rest/serviceAction/pause/Kernel?component=kernel&nodeName= <nodename> | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | kernelStatus=Resume Kernel |
Known Issues with API
These are the issues which occur while updating Partner Parameters:
- Empty Partner Parameters [ { }, { } ] create Parameters with NULL parameter Id and Value.
- Different Network Parameters can be associated with Partner to those Networks on which Partner does not belong.
- Passing Empty array ( [ ]) of Partner Parameters do not remove existing Parameters.