Defining a Convert Outbound Template

Defining a Convert Outbound Template

The first step while creating a Template is to provide Template definition. The definition includes details, such as name, description, and other information about the Template.

Only a Company administrator and an IT User can create a Template. However, it is recommended that IT User creates a Template.

To provide the definition of a Template:

  1. Click Configure > Templates > Create Template


  2. On the Create New Template screen, provide the name and description of the Template. The name should be a unique name and can be up to 48 characters long. The description of the Template can be up to 300 characters long. 

  3. Select the project from the Select Project drop-down list.

    By default, Select Project drop-down box displays the default project of the logged-in user as the selected project.
  4. Click Continue.

  5. Select Convert from the template type, Outbound from the direction, and click Next


  6. Select the Network for which you are creating the Template. To select multiple Networks from the drop-down list, click the Networks one by one. Only the Partners of the selected Network(s) will be able to access this Template.


    1. Select the checkbox Allow Import Partner(s) which allow you to select a Web Form to import Partners while configuring the Transaction.

  7. Click Next to define the additional parameters for the Partners.  

    These are the parameters whose value you want to get while creating a Template or Transaction. 

    • Template Parameters: Company Users will define the value of these parameters while creating a Template.

    • Transaction Parameters: Business Users or IT Users will define the value of these parameters while creating a Transaction using this Template.

    1. Click Add Parameter to define the parameters.

      Parameter NameDescription
      Group TitleUnique name to identify a group.
      Parameter NameName of the parameters of the group.
      Parameter TypeType of the input parameter to be received from the Partner.
      Input OptionsList of options for combo and radio button parameter type.
      Default ValueDefault value of the parameter

      You can define the parameters mandatory or optional with the Mandatory checkbox. Uncheck the mandatory checkbox to define the parameters optional. By default, parameters are mandatory.

      The Partner who will use this Template to create a Transaction will define the values of these specified parameters that will be stored in the context of the process flow. Add as many parameters you want by clicking Add Parameter.

  8. Click Next to define the values of the Template parameters. This screen appears only if you have provided Template Parameters in the previous step.

  9. Select the Routing Type from here. Ensure that the routing type you choose, should be dropped in the process flow you had selected for this template. 

    Routing typeDescription
    Context BasedSelect this option to fetch and process files based on the file name.
    Content BasedSelect this option to fetch and process files based on the content of the file.
    NoneSelect this option to process files with no routing criterion.
  10. Click Next to configure the template settings.

    Field NameDescription

    Contact User

    Email id(s) listed here will receive a notification email whenever the Transaction is executed successfully or if there is an error during execution. Multiple email ids are separated by a comma.

    If Adeptia Connect is running on multiple environments and you want to receive environment name in the emails, then you need to specify the environment name in the property (Configure > Developer Studio > Proceed > Administer > Setup > Update System Properties > Systems > Personalization).

    When to notify the contact?

    Always: Send an email whenever the execution of the Transaction is successful.

    On Error: Send an email if an error occurred during the execution of the Transaction.

    Data EncodingCharacter-set encoding for your source data. The available options are UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, and ISO-8859-1.
    Data encryption at restSelect the particular option from drop-down list of Data encryption at rest. You can enable, or disable, and use global Property value to configure EAR for Template.

    Use Global Policy: Select 'Use Global Policy' to use Global Property value for Template.
    Yes: Select 'Yes' to enable EAR for Template. It will not use Global Property value.
    : Select 'No' to disable EAR for Template. It will not use Global Property value.
    Enable External Mapping Validation

    You can use this function to validate the REST API in mapping. Follow the steps to enable the External Mapping Validation:

      1. Select the Enable External Mapping Validation checkbox to configure the REST account for external mapping validation. 

      2. Select the Rest Account from the drop-down list of Provide REST account information field. You can also create a new REST Account by clicking  .

    Click here to get more details on using Validation Option in Mapping.

    Enable External Mapping Function(s)

    You can use this function to apply the external map function in the mapping through REST API. Follow the steps to enable the External Mapping Function:

      1. Select the Enable External Mapping Function(s) checkbox to select the REST account.

      2. Select the Rest Account from the dropdown list of Provide REST account information field. You can also create a new REST Account by clicking .

    Click here to get more details on using Available Functions in Mapping.

    Once External Mapping Function is enabled, then you can choose Available Functions from the Destination elements of mapping to apply the custom function as a mapping expression.

    Once External Mapping Validation is enabled, then icon is visible on the toolbar of mapper to validate the REST API.
  11. Click Next to select the Source application.


Next Step

Defining the source application of the Template