Connect for Company

A Company is an entity that would use Adeptia Connect to exchange the data with its Partners. 


Installing Adeptia Connect

Instructions to install Adeptia Connect.


After you successfully installed Adeptia Connect, you need to setup your Company.

Adeptia Connect Home Page

Introduces Adeptia Connect home page. 


Introduction to Users, types of Users, and managing Users.


Introduction to Networks and steps to manage Networks.


Introduction to Partners and steps to manage Partners.  


Introduction to Templates and steps to manage Templates.


Introduction to Transactions and steps to manage Transactions.

Accessing Developer's Studio

Access Developer's Studio from Adeptia Connect.

Migration Utility

Migrate objects from one environment of Adeptia Connect to another.

Exchanging EDI Data

Exchange data with your Partners using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Working with objects

Manage Users and Partners accounts, mappings and layouts (data formats), EDI objects (Data Dictionary and ISA envelope), and Process Flow created in Adeptia Connect. 


Detailed information related to the execution of your Transactions.