Creating a Template

Creating a Template

Use a Template to exchange data with your Partners. The Template defines the format and the location for the data transfer. After creating a Template, you must activate and share it with your Partners. The Partners will use this shared Template to create a Transaction for exchanging data. 

Prebuilt Templates

Adeptia Connect has following three prebuilt Templates that only Company can use to create a sample Transaction to check the successful exchange of data. Note that these Templates can't be edited or deleted.

  • Data Integration: A Template to be used by the Company to exchange data between two applications.

  • EDI Inbound: A Template to be used by the Company to receive EDI data from the Partner.

  • EDI Outbound: A Template to be used by the Company to send EDI data to the Partner.

Templates that Company can Create

Apart from providing the prebuilt templates, Adeptia Connect allows you to create a new one as per your requirement. You can create the following four types of templates in the application:

  • Convert: This type of template governs both business and files application data transfer to and from a partner. You can create one of this type to convert CSV, Excel, Fixed Length, XML or Business application data into another format and transfer them.

  • Pass-thru: A pass-thru template is useful when you want to send or receive business or file application data without any conversion.

  • Custom: You can select this type to create a template using a process flow. The activities used in the process flow act as placeholders that are configured while creating the template.

  • EDI: This type of template helps you send or receive EDI files.


The previous 'File & Message' and 'App' type templates are now represented under Convert and Pass-thru categories of templates.

  • Convert Template
    Select this type to convert CSV, Excel, Fixed Length, XML or Business application data into another format. 

  • Pass-thru Template
    Select this type to transfer data without any conversion. 

   This updates also gives you the flexibility to define Source, Target, Layout, and other activities in Template or Transaction.

Only a Company administrator and an IT User can create a Template. However, we recommended that only an IT User creates a Template

Creating a Convert Template

Step-by-step instructions to create a Convert template.

Creating a Pass-thru Template

Step-by-step instructions to create a Pass-thru template.

Creating a Custom Template

Step-by-step instructions to create a Custom template.

Creating an EDI Template

Step-by-step instructions to create an EDI template.


Next Step

Activating a Template

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