Defining a Custom Outbound Mapping

Defining a Custom Outbound Mapping

After defining the Source and Destination application of the Template, next step is to map the elements of the Source with the Destination.  

In the previous steps, if you have selected Partner to define either source or destination layout then mapping will be defined by the Partner only.  
  1. Select the mapping from the Select Mapping drop-down list and click Next. You can either use an existing mapping or create a new one.  

    If you want the Partner to define the mapping while creating the Transaction then select Partner will define this step check box. The Partner will define this step while creating a Transaction using this Template.

    Complete the following steps after you allow your partner to define this step:

    1. Select Auto generate mapping name and description check box if you want to auto generate the mapping name and description while creating the Transaction. You can not change the automatically generated name and description.

      By default, this checkbox is enabled for Create New and Select from the List or Create New policy and disabled for Default policy.

    2. Select the type of access policy from the drop-down list. It helps the user to define the policy to displays the activity at the time of creating the transactions by another user of the same partner. The following policies are:

      • Default Policy : Using this policy, user can view all mappings and also can create a new mapping while creating a Transaction.
      • Create New : User can only create a new mapping while creating a Transaction. No mapping is displayed from the drop-down list of layout field.
      • Select from the List or Create New : Using this policy, user can create a new mapping or user can define a custom list of mapping which will appear at transaction end.

        Select mapping(s) from the list that you want the user to view while creating a transaction. You can also search for the mapping from the Search box.

    Click  to create a new mapping and do the following:

    1.  Enter the mapping name and description of the new mapping activity.

    2. Select the Project from drop-down list of Select Project.
    3. Click Modify Settings on the Create New Mapping screen to expand the advanced properties of the new Mapping activity. Click here to get more details about Modify Settings.

    4. Create the mapping between the elements of the Source and the Destination. 

      To map the elements using drag and drop approach, click a source element and drag it to the desired destination element. A line is displayed, indicating the mapping between the selected source and destination element.

      Similarly, drag and drop each source and destination element that you want to map. The mapping between all source and destination elements will be displayed.

      To map the elements using AIMap, click AIMap  icon on Mapper toolbar and it starts analyze the source and Destination layout. Click here to get more details to map the elements using AIMap wizard.

      You can map the source elements to the destination elements using the mapping expression.

    5. If you have enabled External Mapping Function, then click here to get more details on choosing custom function as a mapping expression using Available Functions from the destination elements.
    6. If you have enabled External Mapping Validation, then click here to get more details to validate the REST API.
    7. Save the mapping activity and exit from mapper.

  2. Provide the Documentation URL. This URL will have all the information related to the Template. 

  3. Click Save & Exit to save the Template.

    Next Step

    Activating a template