Defining a File Inbound Source Application

Defining a File Inbound Source Application

After you have provided the definition of the Template, the next step while creating a Template is to define the Source application. A Source application is an application from where data is received. After defining the Source application, you must choose a Trigger.

A Trigger is an event that initiates the data exchange. For example, in an FTP Source application, if you choose On File Created as a trigger, then data exchange will initiate when the new file is created to the source FTP.

To select and configure the Source application of the Template:

  1. Select the Source application and click Next.  


  2. Select the format and click Next.

    No (Pass Thru): Select this option to transfer the file from one application to another.

    Yes (Convert): Select this option to convert the data from one file format to another. To convert the data, you need to define the mapping between the fields of the Source and the Destination application. On selecting this option, you also need to define Who will define the mapping?

    Select I will define if you want to define the Partner's layout and mapping between the fields of the Source and the Destination application.

    Select Partner will define if you want your Partner to define the layout and mapping between the fields of the Source and the Destination application.

    The next steps differ depending on the selected Source application.
  3. Select the trigger from the drop-down list and click Next.

    The list of triggers differs for the selected Source application. For the complete list of triggers of the supported applications, refer to Appendix D: Supported Applications.

  4. You can either define the next two steps by clearing Partner will define this step check box or allow your Partner to define these steps. Partner will define these steps while Creating a Transaction using this Template. However, you can also define these steps by clearing Partner will define this step check box while Creating a Transaction using this Template.

    If you are defining this step then for FTP or DropBox applications only, you can define the folder location using Partner parameters in the following format:



    PartnerParameterName is the name of the parameter that you have configured for the Partner.

    Ensure that you have configured the specified parameter for the Partner for which you are creating this Template.

  5. Click Next to select the source layout and format. Partner will define this step in case you have selected Partner will define option in the data format

    This screen appears only if you have selected Yes (Convert) option in the data format. 
  6. Select the source data format and source data layout for the Source application. Source data format is the format in which the data of the source file exist, for example, text, excel. Source data layout is the layout of the source file. You can either use an existing layout or create a new one. Click  to create a new layout. For information on how to create a new layout, refer to Appendix A: File Layouts


  7. Click Next to select the Destination application.

    Next Step

    Defining the destination application of the template

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