Adeptia Connect Installation - Linux

This section helps you to install Adeptia Connect on your computer.


Installing Adeptia Connect

Follow these steps to install Adeptia Connect.

Launching Adeptia Connect

After you have successfully installed Adeptia Connect, you can follow the steps to launch Adeptia Connect.

Verifying Installation

After you have successfully installed Adeptia Connect, you can verify the installation and customization. 

Configuring SSL in Adeptia Connect

Step-by-step instructions to configure SSL certificate to access Adeptia Connect on HTTPS protocol.

Configuring SSL Handshake between Connect Server and Connect Portal
Learn how to configure SSL certificate for secure communication between Connect Server and Connect Portal.

Performance Tuning of Connect Server

Learn how to tune Connect Server configuration to improve Performance.


Performance Tuning of Connect Portal

Learn how to tune Connect Portal configuration to improve Performance.

Enabling Clustering

Step-by-step instructions to enable clustering.

Configuring Internal Load Balancer

Learn how to configure Internal Load Balancer.

Configuring External Load Balancer

Learn how to configure External Load Balancer.