Creating a User

Creating a User

You can create a new user of the following types - Developer, Business User, System Admin, and Group Admin. To create a new user:

  1. Go to Administer > Setup > User.


  2. Click Create New.

  3. Type a unique user name in the User ID. The name can be alphanumeric, must start with an alphabet, and is of minimum 4 characters. Only underscore is allowed. 
  4.  Provide the other details of the user in the respective fields.
  5. Provide the permission to the user in the User Permissions by selecting the required checkboxes. The various permissions entitle a user to various rights, as outlined in the table below.




    Allows a user to view the Adeptia Suite activities and process flows, default disabled.


    Allows a user to create, edit, delete, and save Adeptia Suite activities and process flows.


    Allows a user to execute a process flow.

    These user permissions are checked prior to object level permissions so as to allow a user to or restrict a user from performing any task.

  6. Select the type of user from the User Type. Adeptia support following types of users:

    User Types



    Can create objects (activities, process flows, etc), execute the process flows, and monitor the logs.

    Business UserCan only execute process flow, complete Human Workflow task, and monitor the logs.
    Group AdminCan create, edit, and delete users in a group. Such users can also change the permissions of users and perform all the tasks of a Developer user.
    System Admin

    Can create and delete users and groups as well as perform all the tasks of a Group Admin, Business user, or Developer user. Such users have permissions equivalent to the Administrator.

  7. Select the level of view from the Business User View Level. This option is enabled if you have selected Business User. There are two types of Business User View Levels - Normal and Limited.




    A Business User with Normal view can see Adeptia Suite report and logs. It can execute the process flow, complete the Human Workflow task, and monitor the logs.


    A Business User with Limited view can only view Task Manager screen and execute the assigned tasks. A user cannot execute process flows and cannot see Adeptia Suite reports and logs.

  8. Select the group to which the user will belong from the Group drop-down list. You can add the user to multiple groups. Press <Ctrl> key to select multiple groups.

    A user can be a member of more than one group. However, the user can log in and access objects associated with one group at a time. For example, a user is a member of two groups: Administrators and Executives. Both these groups vary in terms of objects.

  9. Select the project to which user will belong from the Project drop-down list.

  10. Select the colleague of the ser from the Colleague drop-down list. The list will be populated on the basis of selected group(s).

  11. Select the manager of the user from the Manager drop-down list. The list will be populated on the basis of selected group(s).

    Colleague or Manager can be any user. These terms are used in Human Workflow. While assigning workflow task to any user, you can enable the option to defer the task to Manager or to Colleague if the task is becoming overdue. A Manager can monitor tasks assigned to its staff. A Manager can defer a task to any other user, change the priority, Due date, and Expiry Date of the task.

  12. Select the days on which a user will not be available in the Calendar by clicking View.

    While deferring a task of any user to this user, the manager can view these dates from his own homepage.

  13. Select Send Email Notification check box to automatically send an email to the new user confirming the user creation, default selected. 

  14. Click Save. This creates and activates a user and will get listed in the Users manage screen.

You can also deactivate a user whenever you want. Deactivated users can't access Adeptia Suite and all the activities (process flows, events, web services, etc.) will get automatically disabled owned by the user. However, it is recommended to move objects of a user before deactivating a user.

To deactivate a user:

  1. Select the check box corresponding to the user. This enables Deactivate button. 
  2. Click Deactivate to deactivate the user.

  3. Click Yes, when prompted to confirm.
    This deactivates the user.

    You can also activate the deactivated user by clicking Activate button.