Creating Human WorkFlow Task
Ensure that you have created a Web Form to be used in the Human Workflow Task.
Steps to create a Human Workflow Task
Go to Develop > Services > Human Workflow Task.
Click Create New to create new workflow task.
- Type the name and description of the Human Workflow task in the Name and Description text boxes.
- Select the user to whom you want to assign this task from the User(s) list. You can override this user with another user dynamically at the time of process flow execution. For information on how to override assignee during process flow execution, refer to Overriding Assignee User of a Human Workflow Task.
To assign this task to a Business Role, select the Business Role from the Role(s) list. You can override this role with another role dynamically at the time of process flow execution. For information on how to override assignee during process flow execution, refer to Overriding Assignee Role of a Human Workflow Task.
To select more than one user or business role, press the <Ctrl> key and click user(s) or business role(s). At least one user or business role should be selected. For information on Business Role, refer to Creating Business Roles.
Select the priority of this task from the Task Priority drop-down list. The available priorities are Urgent, Immediate, Normal, and Low.
Task priority does not have any direct impact on the task execution. It is just a flag so that user will be able to know that which task should be completed first.
- Type the due time for this task in days, hours, and minutes, in the Task Due for drop-down list.
Select the expiry time for this task in days, hours, and minutes from the Task Expires after drop-down list.
Time entered into Task Due for and Task Expires after fields are counted after the task is listed in the Task Manager not from the creation of the task. If a task is not completed within its due time, it will be listed in the Over Due list in the Task Manager of the user. If it is not completed within its expiry time, then it will be deleted from the Task Manager.
- Select the Defer task to colleague upon Due Date check box to defer the task to a colleague, if it is not completed within its due date.
Select the Defer task to manager upon Due Date check box to defer the task to the Manager, if it is not completed within its due date.
- If you want to enable the option for attaching/viewing documents in the Task Manager, select Attach and View from the Documents Attach/View drop-down list.
Type the name of folder, where the file attached with Human Workflow task is stored, in the Repository Folder text box. This could be a WebDAV folder or process flow repository folder.
- To specify, whether the defined folder is a WebDAV folder or a Process Flow repository folder, you need to change the abpm.hi.repository.type property in the file. Location of the file: <Adeptia Installation Folder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc folder.
- If you set the repository type property as WebDav and leave the Repository Folder field blank, the files are saved into a default group folder created in "WebDAV folder" object. If files are stored in the default folder, its path would be <group name folder\Process Flow name\Transaction Id>.
group name folder is the folder of the group, the executor belongs to. Process Flow name is the name of the Process Flow, and Transaction ID is the execution instance Id of the Process Flow.- If you set the repository type property as default and leave the Repository Folder field blank, the files are saved into process flow repository.
- It is important to ensure that the folder path is correct and executor has write permissions to the folder; else the Process Flow will be created but will fail at runtime.|
- Select the Web Form that you want to attach to the task from the Web Form drop-down list. All Web Forms that are created are listed in this drop-down list.
Type your email message in the Email Body text box. If you do not specify this message, then the default email is sent. You can also override it dynamically by using $$variablename$$ in the email body. You may override either whole or any specific content of the email body, for example, Receiver's Name or Address. The name and value of this variable should be defined in the Process Flow variables.
You can also override the subject of the email. For more information, refer to Overriding Email Subject. By default, the email subject depends upon the criteria that you select in the Advanced Properties for sending the email. For example, when you select Send Email to user on addition of new task then the default subject would be New Task.
Expand Advanced Properties.
- If you want to notify the user by email when the task is listed in user's task list, select the Send Email to User on addition of new task check box.
- If you want to send a reminder email to the user, before the task's due date, select the Send reminder email to user before due date of task check box and specify the time in days, hours, and minutes. For example, if you specify 1 day, the reminder email is send 1 day before the due date of the task.
- If you want to send a reminder email to the user, before the task's expiry date, select the Send reminder email to user before expiry date of task check box and specify the time in days, hours, and minutes.
- Select the User(s), Colleague(s) or Manager(s) from the Email on Due Date list, to send an email to a user, colleague or manager if the task is not completed by due date and time.
Select the User(s), Colleague(s) or Manager(s) from the Email on Expiry Date list, to send an email to a user, colleague or manager if the task is expired.
Email sent to user(s), Colleague(s) or Manager(s), on Due Date or Expiry Date, contains URL of the Adeptia Suite Login Page (e.g. http://localhost:8080/adeptia/control). To login to Adeptia Suite and access Task Manager, replace 'localhost' with the name or IP address of the computer where Adeptia Suite is running.
Select Screenflow check box to open the subsequent task on the same screen, once the previous task is executed, in case of multiple tasks being assigned to you.
If you are setting multiple tasks to be executed one after another in a Process Flow, and the Screenflow feature is selected, then you need to attach the same type of Web Forms. For example, a Process Flow has 3 tasks to be executed one after another. If the first task has a Manual Web Form attached, then the remaining two tasks should also have Manual Web Forms attached. Adeptia does not support multiple Web Form types in a single process flow.
- Select the Screenflow in Parent check box, to open the subsequent parent task on the same screen, once the previous parent task is executed, in case of multiple tasks being assigned to you.
- Select the Screenflow in Child check box, to open the subsequent child task on the same screen, once the previous child task is executed, in case of multiple tasks being assigned to you.
- If you want to allow the user (to whom this task is assigned), to re-assign the task to any of its colleagues, then select Reassign Task check box.
- Select the owner of the task in the Owner drop-down list.
- Set the permissions by selecting the appropriate checkbox(s) in the Permissions.
- Click Save.