Process Flow Issues

Process Flow Issues





An issue arises when the stream is left open during the design of a process flow.

Stream is open

1.Input and Output Streams are not properly connected.
2.Transformer is properly defined in Process flow.

1.Ensure that all input and output streams are properly connected.
2.Confirm that the transformer is correctly defined within the process flow.
3.When using the stream selector for multiple input streams, verify that you can edit the input layout streams.

Runtime container is getting restarted continuously

1.Check if the container is using more CPU or memory than allocated.
2.Ensure there is enough disk space available.

The process flow is getting stuck on a ceartain activity, leading to increased CPU utilization.

Aborting the Process flow instance (removing the recovery file) prevented the CPU utilization from rising and stopped the container from repeatedly restarting.

ProcessFlow is failing at CustomPlugin

A process flow (B2BI_Karmak_New) is failing while processing a source file containing DealerID 100000000217 (value1) and Navistar (value2). The failure occurs at the custom plugin activity (CP_FindRoutingRelationship) with the following error:

"An exception occurred on executing process instance id 1240693227149901824: Internal server error: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException."

One file event is associated with multiple routing relationships, but at runtime, it is incorrectly picking the routing relationship "NavistarPartsLocator_100000020219." Based on the file, it should pick the routing relationship "NavistarPartsLocator_100000000217.

Work around as suggested from Product Team:
As the object has been migrated from AIS to AC, and the previous method used in AIS to read XML relied on a jar with vulnerabilities, the jar was removed in the later version to address these security concerns.
Place the jar(https://adeptia.atlassian.net/browse/MS-11287 ) in the Ext folder to resolve the issue.

Process Description context variable change in Adeptia Connect while it showing correct variable in AIS

Process flow Description variable name has change in AC4 so when you set any value in that variable , it will not show on Dashboard

  1. When user set or override the Process flow description in process flow then it will not show populate after execution.

  1. Check this with separately on AIS and AC environment

  2. Check the value of process flow description variable in context of AIS and AC separately.

Product team fix this issue after adding both Process flow variables as references.
AIS - ProcessFlowDescription
AC - transactionDescription
JIRA :- https://adeptia.atlassian.net/browse/MS-10573

Transaction getting in queued state

  1. Specific transaction are getting into queue in the AC4 Application

  2. All the transaction and process flows are getting into queue

This issue occurs due to upgrade and the runtime and rabbitmq pod gets out off sinque

  1. Check the Event properties or settings

  2. Deactivate the event and activate again to check the behaviour.

  3. Check the Event properties or settings

  4. Deactivate the event and activate again to check the behaviour

  5. Check the Runtime Pod Logs for detailed error

  1. To resolve this issue we have to restart all the pods once again for more details please refer the email "demo1 transactions being queued"


Unpublished process flow is not showing " Publish as a template" option

Hackbarth has reported an issue where unpublished process flow is not showing " Publish as a template" option as shown below and also the Screenshot shared by the client.
Product Version: 4.3.04 .

Business user not able to use Publish as template option for unpublish process flow after upgrade to 4.3.04

Compare both v4.2.6.3 and v4.3.04 unpublish process flow properties
Compare the License permission and version for both versions

product support team worked on this issue and they have found that in AC4.3 AC Professional license removed the Custom Template Permission due to which client were not able to Publish any PF as Template.

However, the same was available in the AC4.2 license.

Always compare the New and Old License configuration are same or not, before applying new license after the upgrade.

In UNUM Dev, one of the transaction is failing with below error.
om.adeptia.indigo.exception.SystemException: Too few bytes for IV in input stream: Error while decrypting data
UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_DATA:com.adeptia.indigo.exception.errorcode.SecurityErrorCode : Error while decrypting data : d1108480-ecc2-4ba4-b80e-f0099bd1f8cf
at com.adeptia.indigo.exception.SystemException.wrap(SystemException.java:41)
at com.adeptia.indigo.repository.impl.AESEncrypterHandler.read(AESEncrypterHandler.java:99)
at jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor337.invoke(Unknown Source)

it is occurring because sometimes when the activity writes the file in the repository and tries to read the file, it returns an empty stream. It is an intermittent issue that's why it works after rerunning the transaction.

  1. Run the process flow or Transaction after disable the EAR

  2. Run the Process flow or transaction after enable the EAR

A similar issue was faced by another client. We have fixed this issue on v4.2.7.7 and later releases. You can upgrade your environment to v4.2.7.7 or the latest version to resolve this issue.

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