AAF-EDI to XML and XML to EDI Conversion

Learning Objective

By the end of this instructional document, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the process of converting EDI files to XML and vice versa.

  2. Implement the EDI 850 to XML (Orders) conversion for inbound transactions.

  3. Implement the XML (invoic) to EDI 810 conversion for outbound transactions.

  4. Set up routing rules and manage partner parameters.

  5. Execute single mappings for multiple partners.

  6. Configure the end-to-end process flow for EDI file processing using Adeptia Connect.

Use Case Overview

EDI to XML Conversion

  • Inbound EDI 850 Orders: Convert EDI 850 Orders to XML format for processing.

  • Outbound XML (invoic) to EDI 810: Convert processed XML (invoic) to EDI 810 format for transmission.

Routing Rule

  • Define and implement routing rules to direct the flow of transactions based on predefined parameters such as the SAP number.

Single Mapping Execution

  • Execute a single mapping configuration for multiple partners to streamline the integration process.

Detailed Use Case Description

Scenario 1: Single Mapping for Inbound and Outbound Transactions

  1. Inbound Transaction:

    • Retrieve EDI 850 Orders from a LAN location.

    • Convert EDI 850 to XML format using a single mapping configuration.

    • Post the XML to SAP for processing.

  2. Outbound Transaction:

    • Retrieve processed XML (invoic) from SAP.

    • Convert XML to EDI 810 using a single mapping configuration.

    • Transmit the EDI 810 to the external system.

Scenario 2: Multiple Partners Execution with Single Mapping

  1. Inbound Transactions for Multiple Partners:

    • Retrieve EDI 850 Orders for multiple partners.

    • Execute a single mapping configuration to convert all EDI 850 Orders to XML.

    • Post the XML files to SAP for processing.

  2. Outbound Transactions for Multiple Partners:

    • Retrieve processed XML (invoic) for multiple partners.

    • Execute a single mapping configuration to convert all XML files to EDI 810.

    • Transmit the EDI 810 files to the respective external systems.