Configuring Default Group of LDAP User within Adeptia Suite

Configuring Default Group of LDAP User within Adeptia Suite

Adeptia Suite enables you to create and manage a default group for all users. To do so, you need to first enable default group login in the abpm.ldap.enableDefaultGroupLogin property and then specify the Entity ID of the Adeptia Suite group in the abpm.ldap.defaultLdapGroup property. 

If an LDAP user has been allocated in groups other than the default group then on accessing Adeptia Suite, a drop-down list appears listing the names of all the groups to which the user belongs along with the default group name (defined in the abpm.ldap.defaultLdapGroup property). 

If you want a user to always log in with a default group then you need to enable the abpm.ldap.alwaysDefaultGroupLogin property. In this case, on accessing Adeptia Suite, the user will log in to Adeptia Suite with a default group and no drop-down list will appear to choose the group name.

To configure the properties:

  1. Go to Administer > Setup > Application Settings.

  2. Click Update System Properties.

  3. Expand Systems > LDAP Authentication.

  4. Configure the aforementioned properties. 

  5. Click Save to save the changes.

  6. Restart Kernel and WebRunner to bring the configuration changes into effect.

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