Managing Load

Managing Load



Enable Adeptia Suite Clustering


Enable Adeptia Suite Clustering

Default Value


Possible Values


Selection Criteria

If you want to enable clustering, set the value as yes. Otherwise, set the value as no. For detailed information about clustering, refer to Deploying Clustering section.




Enable Adeptia Suite's Queue Processor Server


Enable Adeptia Suite's Queue Processor Server

Default Value


Possible Values


Selection Criteria

If you want to enable the Queue Processor, then set the value as yes. Otherwise, set value as no. Queue Processor is used to limit the number of concurrent running flows. When this property is set as no, then any number of process flows can run concurrently. For detailed information about Queue Processor, refer to Load Management section.




Maximum number of Process Flows, Queue Processor should allow to execute


Maximum number of Process Flows, Queue Processor should allow to execute

Default Value


Possible Values

Any positive integer

Selection Criteria

This property is used only when abpm.queue.processor.enable is set as yes. This property defines the maximum number of process flows that can run concurrently. You can define any positive integer, depending on the memory and processor available on server, where Adeptia Suite is running. For detailed information about Queue Processor, refer to Load Management section.




Reload Factor specifies the threshold of number of process flows, which can be loaded into Queue Processor memory. Once the number of process flows loaded in to Queue Processor memory becomes less than Reload Factor, the Queue Processor loads more queued process flows from its database into queue processor memory to execute them.


Reload Factor specifies the threshold of number of process flows, which can be loaded into Queue Processor memory. Once the number of process flows loaded in to Queue Processor memory becomes less than Reload Factor, the Queue Processor loads more queued process flows from its database into queue processor memory to execute them.

Default Value


Possible Values

Any number between 1 to 1000

Selection Criteria

This property is used only when abpm.queue.processor.enable is set as yes. Reload factor should be at least twice of the abpm.queue.processor.concurrent.processes. For detailed information about Queue Processor, refer to Load Management section.



Specifies whether to restart the execution of an incomplete Process Flow, even if recovery information for that Process Flow is not available.


Specifies whether to restart the execution of an incomplete Process Flow, even if recovery information for that Process Flow is not available.

Default Value


Possible Values


Selection Criteria

If yes, Queue Processor will recover and restart the execution of an incomplete Process Flow right from the beginning, in case of unexpected shut down of the kernel. If no, Queue Processor will not restart the execution of an incomplete Process Flow. For detailed information about how recovery works, refer to the Recovery section of Developer's Guide.

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