Updating System Properties

Updating System Properties

The System Properties can be updated to change the properties of the Adeptia Suite. For example, you can change the mail server settings, enable or disable clustering and database settings etc.

Only the users of Admin and Sys Admin type can update the System Properties.


Steps to update the system properties of the Adeptia Suite

  1. Click Administer tab and then click Setup menu. All the options of the Setup menu are displayed.
  2. Select Application Settings option. The Application Settings screen is displayed.
  3. Click Update System Properties. The Update System Properties screen is displayed (see Figure 4).

    Figure 4: Update System Properties

  4. Click to expand the required properties (see Figure 5).

    Figure 5: Expand Properties

  5. Edit the required properties and click Save button. A screen is displayed confirming that System Properties have been saved and you need to reload the configuration (see Figure 6).

    Figure 6: Reload Configuration

  6. To reload the configuration, click Reload Configuration link. A confirmation message is displayed that the configuration has been reloaded. If you do not want to reload the configuration changes right away, you can reload it later on. To know how to reload the configuration later on, refer the Reloading System Configuration section.

    • Changes made in the System Properties do not come into effect until you reload the configuration.
    • In case following note is written for any property and you have change the value of that property, then you need to restart the Kernel and WebRunner to bring the change into effect. 

      To activate this property after any change, you need to Restart Server.
    • Value of the properties is not validated while editing. For detailed description of Adeptia Suite System Properties and their Possible Values, refer to Appendix A.



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