Adeptia Suite is a web-based enterprise software product to manage, automate, and optimize business processes. It allows you to document and manage processes to make them consistent, repetitive, and visible. Adeptia Suite enables integration of disparate systems to manage enterprise-wide crucial information and automate information exchange. Its reporting capabilities provide transparent view of performance of business processes and resources, thus enabling their optimization.
Key Terms used in Adeptia Suite
The key terms used in the Adeptia Suite are defined below.
Terms | Definition |
Service | A service is a type or class of distinct business tasks or actions. It represents a specific feature category of the product. The Adeptia Suite supports many pre-built services such as FTP, Email, Database, etc. Additionally, it allows users to add a customized service such as an external custom program. |
Activity | An activity is an instance of a service. It is an actionable business task and is executed at runtime. |
Process Model | A Process Model is a tool for representing business processes of an organization, such that the current processes may be analyzed and improved in the future. It acts as a blueprint for a process flow. |
Process Flow | A Process flow is a set of activities arranged in a sequence to perform a specific task or tasks. It is created by connecting various activities that are then executed in the run-time environment. |
Trigger | A trigger is an event that initiates the execution of a process flow. It is required to deploy a process flow. |
Business Users | Business users are analysts and managers who work on a business process flow that is automated with the Adeptia Suite. They own the process flow, specify the business rules, make decisions, and monitor the progress. They interact with developers during design time to specify the requirements of the process flow to be deployed. Once it is deployed, they interact with the running process flow using the Human Workflow service. Primarily, they interact with the Adeptia Suite at run time. |
Developers | Developers are the IT team members who design and implement the activities and the process flows, along with managing the Adeptia Suite on an ongoing basis. They interact with the Adeptia Suite primarily during design time. External consultants who help in deploying the Adeptia Suite are also referred as developers. |
WebDAV | Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a standard for the exchange of data between web authoring tools and web servers. It is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol that enables sending and receiving of documents on a remote web Server. |
Workflow | A workflow service allows business users to interact with running process flows. It is an instance of a service that relates to a specific task done by a specific business user in a specific manner. |
Control Flow | A control flow represents the sequence of execution of activities in a process flow. All business rules and logic of a process flow are enforced by a control flow. |
Decision Node | A decision node is a type of control flow that determines which activity is to be executed next, based on the prior results of the process flow. |
Design time | Design time is referred to the phase when business users document, and developers design, create activities and process flows. |
Run time | Run time is referred to the phase when already deployed the process flow is executed. |