Thread Dump

Thread Dump

Thread Dump utility helps you to know thread dump information of Kernel and WebRunner. Before continuing further, you must be familiar with the following two terms:

Thread Dump: A thread dump is a list of all the Java threads that are currently active in a Java Virtual Machine.

Memory Dump: A memory dump is a process in which the contents of the memory are displayed and stored that helps to diagnose, identify and resolve the problem that led to the failure.

This section will let you know how to gather thread dump information of Kernel and WebRunner on Windows and Linux.

For Windows:

  1. Go to the <Adeptia-Installation-Folder>/ServerKernel/diagnostic folder.

  2. Execute either KernelDump.bat or WebRunnerDump.bat.

  3. The console window appears prompting you with the options - Thread Dump or Memory Dump. Following files will be created in the diagnostic folder.


    For Thread Dump, the file will be in the format: KN_Thread_Dump_Date_time.log
    For Memory Dump, the file will be in the format: KN_Memory_Dump_Date_time.hprof


          For Thread Dump, the file will be in the format: WB_Thread_Dump_Date_time.log
          For Memory Dump, the file will be in the format: WB_Memory_Dump_Date_time.hprof


You must have administrative rights to execute the steps mentioned above.


For Linux:

  1. Go to the <Adeptia-Installation-Folder>/ServerKernel/diagnostic folder.

  2. Execute either KernelDump.sh or WebRunnerDump.sh.

  3. The console window appears prompting you with the options - Thread Dump or Memory Dump. Following files will be created in the diagnostic folder.

    For KernelDump.sh

    For Thread Dump, the file will be in the format: KN_Thread_Dump_Date_time.log
    For Memory Dump, the file will be in the format: KN_Memory_Dump_Date_time.hprof

          For WebRunnerDump.sh

          For Thread Dump, the file will be in the format: WB_Thread_Dump_Date_time.log
          For Memory Dump, the file will be in the format: WB_Memory_Dump_Date_time.hprof

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