Disable Pop-up Blocker

Disable Pop-up Blocker


Follow the instructions given below to disable pop-up blocker as per your browser.

Chrome for Windows and Mac

  1. Open Chrome.

  2. On the top-right corner, click

     > SettingsShow advanced settings.

  3. Under Privacy, click Content settings.

  4. Under Pop-ups, select Allow all sites to show pop-ups.

  5. Click Finished.

Firefox for Windows

  1. Open Firefox.

  2. On the top-right corner, click

     > Options.

  3. From the left-hand navigation, click Content.

  4. Under Pop-ups, clear Block pop-up windows.

Firefox for Mac

  1. Open Firefox.

  2. On the top-right corner, click

     > Preferences.

  3. From the left-hand navigation, click Content.

  4. Under Pop-ups, clear Block pop-up windows.

Edge for Windows

  1. Open Edge.

  2. Click the three-dotted More actions.

  3. Click Settings.

  4. Scroll down to Advanced Settings and click View advanced settings.

  5. Under Block pop-ups, slide the setting to On.

Safari for Mac

  1. Open Safari.

  2. On the top left of the window, click Safari.

  3. Click Preferences.

  4. On the Security tab, under Web content, clear Block pop-up window.

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