EDI Solution properties
Listed below are the EDI Solution properties that you may need to set based on your requirements. To know how to set a value for a property, refer to the page Configuring the application properties.
EDI Solution properties | ||
EDI Solution Parameters | Default value | Description |
abpm.solution.edi.controlNumberGenStrategy | timestamp | User defined EDI control number generation strategy. |
abpm.solution.edi.pagination.page.size | 20 | Maximum number of records displayed per page. |
abpm.solution.edi.transactionset.processST03 | No | Process ST03 segment in EDI X12. |
abpm.solution.edi.interchange.validation | Yes | Enable or disable the EDI X12 interchange envelope validation. |
abpm.solution.edi.group.validation | Yes | Enable or disable the EDI X12 group envelope validation. |
abpm.solution.b2b.partnerIdentifier.skipError | False | Skip error logging in the log database if partner identifier is not matched. |
abpm.solution.edi.generateAckPerTradingPartner | False | Generate all the Transaction set of acknowledgement for same trading partner under one FA. |
abpm.solution.edi.transactionset.generateAK103 | No | Generate AK103 segment in EDI X12 Acknowledgement file. |
abpm.solution.edi.update.batchSize | 50 | Batch size for batch update in Database. |
abpm.solution.edi.insert.batchSize | 100 | Batch size for batch insert in Database. |
abpm.solution.edi.inquery.size | 50 | Size for in queries parameter in Database. |
abpm.solution.edi.threadpool.size | 10 | Fixed thread size for Database task. |
abpm.solution.edi.logging.debug | False | Enable debug logging. |
EDI Configuration for Mail Notifications | Default value | Description |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID | host@company.com | Email id of the host who will receive the email in case of translation errors. |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.systemError.hostEmailID | host@company.com | Email id of the host who will receive the email in case of system errors. |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.interChangeErrorNotification.senderEmailId | host@company.com | Email id of the sender for EDI Interchange error notification. |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.interChangeErrorNotification.receiverEmailID | host@company.com | Comma separated receiver email ids for EDI Interchange error notification. |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.nackNotification.senderEmailId | host@company.com | Email id of sender for EDI NACK notification. |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.systemErrorNotification.receiverEmailIds | host@company.com | Comma separated receiver email ids for EDI system error notification. |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.mailTarget.userId | Mail server user id for Mail Target. | |
abpm.solution.edi.notification.mailTarget.password | Mail server password for Mail Target. | |
EDI Configuration for Process Flows | Default value | Description |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIInboundProcessor.generateLogFile | Option to enable or disable the generation of the log file for inbound processing. | |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIInboundProcessor.logFilePath | Path of the location where you want to generate the log file. | |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIInboundProcessor.logPathPrefix | Path prefix of the target file displayed in the log file. | |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIOutboundProcessor.generateLogFile | Option to enable or disable the generation of the log file for outbound processing. | |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIOutboundProcessor.logFilePath | Path of the location where you want to generate the log file. | |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIOutboundProcessor.logPathPrefix | Path prefix of the target file displayed in the log file. | |
abpm.solution.edi.EDISubBatchProcessor.generateLogFile | Set this property to true if you want to write the path of functional acknowledgement in inbound log file. | |
abpm.solution.edi.EDISubBatchProcessor.logFilePath | Path of the location where you want to generate the log file. This path should be the same as the path defined for logfilePath in EDIInboundProcessor. | |
abpm.solution.edi.EDISubBatchProcessor.logPathPrefix | Path prefix of the target file displayed in the log file. | |
abpm.solution.edi.EDISubBatchProcessor.resetTransactionControlNumber | Option to enable or disable the reset transaction set control number in outbound processing. | |
abpm.solution.edi.EDIBatchProcessor.resetTransactionControlNumber | Option to enable or disable the reset transaction set control number in outbound processing while batch mode is selected as Yes. | |
abpm.solution.edi.xquery.retryCount | 3 | Number of retries to be done in case the connection with XML file fails during the execution of Xquery. |
abpm.solution.edi.xquery.retryInterval | 10000 | Time interval in milliseconds between consecutive retries for connecting to the XML file during the execution of Xquery. |
Default B2B Archiving Policy | Default value | Description |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.basepath | Base path for archiving. | |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.filesystem | File System for LAN Target (WINDOWS or UNIX). | |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.isvfs | Enable or disable if you want to use VFS service to connect to remote machine (true or false). | |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.issecure | Enable if target is password protected (true or false). | |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.username | Enter User ID to connect remote machine (In case secure is selected). | |
abpm.solution.b2b.archive.password | Enter password to connect remote machine (In case secure is selected). |