Custom Form Development Steps

Sencha Architect Pre-requisites

  • Ext JS Framework

  • Sencha cmd

  • Ruby Installer

  • Eclipse

  • Apache Tomcat Server

  • Adeptia Connect WAR File

  • AIS Installer Compatible with the AC WAR

Sample Project in Eclipse

Below is the Cmd command to create a sample extjs application:

  • Sencha -sdk <path where sencha framework exists> generate app <App Name> <path where we want to copy the framework libs>. For example, sencha -sdk E:\Software\ext-5.1.1-commercial\ext-5.1.1 generate app SampleApplication E:\Project\webcontent\sampleapplication.
  • Add folder name in 'index.html' before 'bootstrap.js'.
  • Add 'indexhtmlpath' value i.e. '.../index.html'.
  • Command for creating extjs production  (compressed) build: Sencha app build production.

Sencha Project in Eclipse

Eclipse Project Structure:

Eclipse Project Structure

Eclipse Project Structure for Query Builder Custom UI:

Backend Settings in Eclipse Project

Backend API settings for Query Builder:

Custom UI Preview in Sencha Project

Query Builder UI:

Ensure User Context for API’s

  • User Credentials for API:

  • Run Time User Context:


Query Builder Form 

Form View for Query Builder:


Custom  Form View in Eclipse Project

Query Builder Form View:


Create WebForm in Adeptia Connect

Follow these steps to create a Web Form in Adeptia Connect:

  1. Click Configure > Web Forms > CREATE Web Form.

  2. On the Create Web Form window:
    • Provide a unique Web Form name and brief description.

    • Select the type of form you want to create from the Select Type - Web Page and Transaction/Template.

    • Click Save to publish the Web Form in Connect.


Query Builder Usage in Adeptia Connect

  1. Building Query

  2. Query Builder Form View

  3. Query Manage Page

  4. Results Viewer

  5. Results Page