EDI Layout

EDI Layout

You can use an EDI to define the structure of your Source or Destination layout. Before creating an EDI layout, ensure that you have created an EDI Data Dictionary.

To create an EDI layout:

  1. Click Configure > EDI > EDI Layout.

  2. Click Create EDI Layout.

  3. On the Create Layout window, provide a unique EDI name and description.

  4. Click Skip Compliance Check check box to skip compliance check on the file. EDI Compliance means validating the format your Partner specifies and following all of their business rules. For more details on skipping the compliance check, refer to this section. 

  5. Select the EDI data dictionary from the Data Dictionary drop-down list. 

  6. Click Select Transaction to select the EDI specification for the selected data dictionary. The list of all EDI specifications or Transaction Set Code used in the selected data dictionary will be populated in the new window.

  7. Select a Transaction Set Code and click Ok. This populates the selected EDI specification under the Segment Definition.


  8. Expand Separator Definition to provide the definition of the EDI file. 

    1. In the Segment Separator field, enter the identifier to separate the segments in the data file.

    2. In the Field Separator field, enter the identifier to separate the data fields in a data record.

    3. In the Composite Separator field, enter the identifier to separate the data fields in a data record. 

    4. In the Sub Composite Separator field, enter the identifier to separate the data fields in a data record. 

    5. In the Repetition Separator field, enter the identifier to separate the repetition fields in a data record.

    6. In the Transaction End Separator field, enter the identifier to separate the transaction in the data file.

    7. In the Release Indicator field, enter the identifier for the data element separator and segment terminator as regular characters in a data file (only applicable for EDIFACT standard).

    8. Select the Validate Incoming/Outgoing Data check box if you want to validate the incoming or outgoing data.
      For incoming data acknowledgement is generated. For outgoing data error record xml is generated. 

  9. Expand the Advanced Properties and select the project in the Project field.

  10. Click Save.


You may sometimes like to configure EDI solution properties to control the characteristics of the EDI services. Refer to the EDI Solution Properties page for more details.

Skip Compliance Check option in EDI Layout

The skip compliance check option is applicable only for non-compliance conditions that occur in the transaction set (ST-SE).

Based on certain non-compliance conditions, the Skip Compliance Check performs necessary actions as explained in the table below.


Skip Compliance Check will


Skip Compliance Check will

If any Mandatory Segment is missing in the source file.

Ignore this error, and process rest of the file.

If Maximum occurrence of any Segment increases  from the value defined in the XSD .

Ignore this error, and process rest of the file.

If any Mandatory element is missing in the segment. 

Ignore this error, and process rest of the file.

If there is mismatch in the minimum and maximum length of the element from the XSD definition

Process that element as is and write it in output.xml file.

If the value of the element is not present in the enumeration values defined for that element in the XSD.

Process that element as is and write it in output.xml file.

If element is of numeric type in the XSD and in the data file , it is of different type.

Process that element as is and write it in output.xml file.

If there is difference in the time format and date format of the element from the format defined in the XSD corresponding to that element.

Process that element as is and write it in output.xml file.

If the element is of composite type , but it is defined as simple type in the XSD definition.

Take the first composite element and write it in output.xml file as simple element. For example, if there is an element REF0101, REF0102 with value 01, 05, but in the XSD file, this element is REF01, then the output xml will have REF01 with 01 as its value.

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