Layout Builder

Layout Builder

This feature helps you to manually create a layout through a data file directly through an interactive UI. You can choose a sample or an exact source file to define the layout by custom selection.

By default, this feature remains disabled in the product. You need to enable this feature before you start working on this. 

Enabling Layout Builder

Follow the steps below to change the properties of Layout Builder:

  1. Click Account > Settings.

  2. Expand Microservice Settings, and then select WebRunner in the left panel.

  3. Expand the property category, Others.

  4. Double-click the corresponding value fields for the following properties to change their values.

    1. Set the value of the abpm.services.advschema.file.max_size property to define the max size of uploaded file for layout creation (in KB).

    2. Set the value of the abpm.services.advschema.file.max_rows property to define the max rows of uploaded file for layout creation.

    3. Set the value of the abpm.services.advschema.file.max_columns property to define the max columns of uploaded file for layout creation.

    4. Set the value of the abpm.services.advschema.file.max_sheets property to define the max sheets of uploaded file for layout creation.

  5. Click Update.
    You'll see a message saying 'Properties saved successfully'.