What is new

What is new

New features and improvements

  • Project-based tenant boundary support for Transactions 
    You can now define the tenant (Deployment) boundary with respect to the access to the transactions based on a project. To achieve this, you now have the following two capabilities in the product:
    >> While creating a transaction, you now have the option to associate it with a project, resulting in the project-based access to the transaction. Earlier, the transactions were accessible based only on the Networks with which they were associated. 
    >> To access the transactions based on a project, you need to have a Company Only type of role assigned to you. Click here for more information.

  • Tenant boundary configuration enhancements
    >> Separate Queue and Tenant (Deployment) configurations – 
    You now need to configure a dedicated Deployment that can subscribe to the dedicated Queue and process the queued messages. Click here for more information.
    >> Support for displaying the Queue and Deployment names – You can view the names of the Queue and Deployment associated with Template, Transaction, Process Flow, Partner, and Project. Click here for more information.

    >> Support for modifying the name of Deployment menu – You can customize the display name of the option for creating a Deployment on the Maintenance page. Click here for more information.
    >> Support for logging the Tenants' names – The system now also logs the name of the Tenants with respect to their Dedicated Queue.

  • Improved visibility and observability of microservices - Click here for more information.
    >> You can now view the status of all the microservices whether they are up and running or not. 
    >> You can now view the number of running pods for each microservice including Tenants. 
    >> You can now view and download the image tags of all the microservices via System Console. 
    >> You can now download the report for each microservice from the Report section in System Console.
    >> You can now show and configure a button on the System Console to access the external monitoring tool.

  • CPU and Memory based autoscaling of the runtime microservice
    Like other microservices, the autoscaling of the runtime microservice now happens based on the threshold value of CPU and Memory usage. Click here for more information.

  • RabbitMQ in SSL mode 
    The RabbitMQ microservice can now run in SSL mode.

  • AIMap in SSL mode 
    The AIMap microservice can now run in SSL mode.

  • Support for uploading custom classes as Jars for improved security 
    >> You can place your custom classes as JAR files in the customClasses folder in the shared PVC. The functions of these classes will be available in Webmapper, Webpd, and Custom plugins. To make the system read the custom classes only from the JAR files, set the value for the property customClasses.readMode.jarOnly to true. You can find this property by navigating as follows:
    Account > Microservice Settings > WebRunner > Deployment Configuration.

  • Support for Azure Service Bus Connector 
    You can now use Azure Service Bus as a Source or Destination in a Template, Transaction, and a Process Flow in Adeptia Connect. Click here for more information.

  • Hard and Soft violation of license 
    The license violations now fall under either Hard or Soft violation category based on different scenarios. Click here for more information.

  • Support for case-sensitive type of DB collation
    Adeptia Connect now supports both case-sensitive and case-insensitive types of DB collation.

  • Support for Amazon S3 in process flows
    You can now use Amazon S3 as an Application Source or Target in a Process Flow. Click here for more information.

  • Configurable Algorithm/Cipher for file encryption in a Process Flow 
    You can now specify an algorithm/cipher for file encryption in a Process Flow by defining a Process Flow variable, encryptionAlgorithm, and setting its value to any of the following algorithms/ciphers that you want to use. Click here for more information.
    • IDEA
    • CAST5
    • DES
    • AES_128
    • AES_192
    • AES_256
    • CAMELLIA_128
    • CAMELLIA_192
    • CAMELLIA_256

  • REST API requests and responses logging 
    You can now configure the application to log the REST API requests and responses. To enable this, set the property logging.api.enabled to true. You can find this property by navigating as follows:
    Account > Microservice Settings > RESTAPIService > Logging.

  • User-friendly names for microservices 
    Names of the following microservices have been modified to make them more user-friendly. 

    Sl. No.Old nameNew name
  • Updated keystore
    The bundled keystore adeptiaBPM.keystore is now updated to remove some of the unsupported algorithms.

  • Improved application monitoring
    Latest environment variables required for Adeptia Connect application monitoring through the Datadog are added in the helm chart.

  • Support for zip and perl commands
    The application now supports the use of zip and perl commands in the runtime container.

Security enhancements 

  • Vulnerable third-party jars have been upgraded to remove critical and high vulnerabilities.

Bug Fixes

  • The system threw an error when the users tried to upload a large file (more than 1.5 GB) to an Azure Blob Storage account.
  • Users were not able to activate the license manually.
  • The application was logging an error, “Channel error on connection…”, in the RabbitMQ logs even though RabbitMQ was working fine.
  • The calls made to a published Webservice triggered the Process Flow only for a few concurrent calls/requests. This happened only in case of synchronous Webservice calls and when the Process Flow took more than 10 seconds to execute.
  • There was an “Out of memory” issue while running migration job with large number of activities.
  • The Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) showed inconsistent behavior in terms of scaling up and scaling down the number of pods. Environment variables have been added to define HPA stabilization behavior for scaling up and scaling down the number of pods. 
  • The Dashboard showed the status of a Process Flow as "running" even when it had already been aborted.
  • While migrating the objects, the application logged errors in the migration logs.
  • The application couldn't send the Azure Service Bus messages to the Topic when the filter was applied in the Topic subscription at the Azure portal.

  • The application couldn't launch new dedicated queue for a runtime service when the Datadog jar was defined in the JAVA_OPT environment variable in the values.yaml file.

  • Users were not able to view complete information of a Mapping on the mapping PDF. 

Adeptia Connect v4.1.1

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.1.1, which includes the following new features and bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.1.1 remains the same as that for AC v4.1.

New feature

  • In case of Synchronous API requests, you can make Adeptia Connect to first check if the runtime pod has enough CPU, or memory, or both available to be considered ready to accept any more request. The application performs this check by using the following two configurable threshold properties for runtime. For more details, click here.

    • readiness.probe.cpu.threshold
    • readiness.probe.memory.threshold
  • Adeptia Connect now allows you to define whether you want the pod autoscaling to happen based on cpu or memory or both. To achieve this, you need to set the value for the variables, type and RUNTIME_AUTOSCALING_TYPE in the global values.yaml file. For more details, click here.

Bug fixes

  • The Azure Blob Event picked up all the files even when its Trigger Type was set to "new and updated files".

Adeptia Connect v4.1.2

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.1.2, which includes the following new features. The documentation for AC v4.1.2 remains the same as that for AC v4.1.

New feature

  • Adeptia Connect is now equipped with the following set of Kubernetes Security Context, both at the pod and container level, to make the Kubernetes environment more secure.

    Security Context
    Pod levelContainer level
    • runAsUser
    • runAsGroup
    • runAsNonRoot
    • fsGroup
    • fsGroupChangePolicy
    • allowPrivilegeEscalation
    • privileged
  • The database migration job gets deleted automatically. However, you can now opt to retain the database migration job by setting the value for the environment variable DELETE_JOB_AFTER_EXECUTION to false in the values.yaml file.

Adeptia Connect v4.1.3

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.1.3, which includes the following new features and bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.1.3 remains the same as that for AC v4.1.

New feature

  • You can now define the labels for a migration job in the podLabels section of the values.yaml file of Migration helm – By using these labels you can integrate a logging and monitoring tool, for example, Splunk with the Migration helm.
  • The application now automatically takes care of creating and configuring the Service Accounts and its privileges in case of deploying AC v4.1.3 with default Kubernetes secrets. For more details, refer to this document
  • The application now also enables any Admin user to import the User type of objects from one environment to the other. For more details, refer to this document.
  • You can now configure the time period (in seconds) for which you want the SAML SSO login session to be valid by using the variable SAML_SSO_PROFILE_CONSUMER_MAX_AUTHENTICATION_AGE in portal section of the global values.yaml file.

Bug fixes

  • Data Splitter custom plugin was not working as expected due to missing class/jar files. All the required jar/classes are now pre-bundled with the application, including that for the Data Splitter.

  • Unwanted warning message, Peer discovery: node ... is unreachable, was getting logged in the RabbitMQ pod logs.

Adeptia Connect v4.1.4

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.1.4, which includes the following new features and bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.1.4 remains the same as that for AC v4.1.

New feature

  • You can now select Kerberos as the authentication type in a Database Info. For more details, refer to this document.

Bug fixes

  • Using Message Splitter in Azure Service Bus Target removed the double quotes and changed the colons (:) to equals (=) in the JSON file at the target.
  • The execution of Process Flows bound with an Azure Blob event failed due to multiple large sized Blobs.
  • The execution of Process Flow bound with an Azure Blob event took longer than expected to start in case a larger Blob was being used to trigger the event.  
  • The migration (restore) from AC v3.5 or above to AC v4.x failed when the latter environment had pre-existing data in the database.

Adeptia Connect v4.1.5

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.1.5, which includes the following new features, bug fixes, and security enhancements. The documentation for AC v4.1.5 remains the same as that for AC v4.1.

New feature

  • You can now log in to the application as a less privileged Admin Restricted (newly added user role) with access limited to the followings:
    • Dashboard 
    • My Profile
    • My Company
    • Settings
    • System Console
    • Maintenance
      For more details, refer to this document.
  • You can now configure Kerberos authentication for Oracle database (Backend, Log, Quartz, and Log archive) by setting the relevant environment variables in the values.yaml file. For more details, click here.

Bug fixes

  • Applying certain rules in the Mapping, for example, incomplete When condition caused the CPU usage of the Webrunner to reach its limit and force the application to stop working.

  • The Process Flow associated  with an Azure Service Bus Listener having Azure Service Bus type as the Topic was getting triggered even when the listener was in inactive state.

  • On the Datadog dashboard, the Runtime deployment did not have the App Id as the prefix.
  • The RabbitMQ HPA failed to fetch the CPU usage (in %age) of running RabbitMQ pods.
  • After upgrading to AC v4.1.4, a few microservices failed to start due to Startup Probe error.

Security enhancements 

  • The application security has been improved by addressing the following potential threats:
    • Clickjacking
    • Cross-site scripting
    • User enumeration

Adeptia Connect v4.1.6

Adeptia releases the version, AC v4.1.6, which includes the following new features and bug fixes. The documentation for AC v4.1.6 remains the same as that for AC v4.1.


  • Some actions have been updated for Azure Blob target. For more details, refer to the documents Azure Blob Target and Azure Blob.
  • You can now provide a wait time for the file to become stable before the Azure Blob Event gets triggered. For more details, refer to this page.

Bug fixes

  • The processing of some files failed when multiple files were processed by a Process Flow bound with an Azure Blob Event.
  • The users were not able to move to the next screen when they selected an EDI specification and clicked OK on the Select EDI Specification screen while creating an EDI Layout.
  • A SOAP Provider, created without a port assigned to it, failed to open in edit mode.

Application package location

Adeptia Connect application (AC v4.1) is available as a Helm package in the ArtifactHUB. The migration Helm and roles zip also reside at ArtifactHUB. Here are their respective locations.

For the Helm package of other versions, select the appropriate version from the CHART VERSIONS section of the respective package in ArtifactHUB. 

To know about how to install the application using the Helm package, click here

AC v4.1 documentation 

You can visit the AC v4.1 documentation for detailed information on the application architecture, deployment, implementation, maintenance, and anything that you want to know about the application. 

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