Microservice Settings - Webrunner
Ashhad Alam
Rohan Dhanwade (Deactivated)
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.connect.template.displayName.enable | Property to enable Display Name in Template. |
abpm.services.webmapper.includeSchemaDetailsInMappingJSON | Set the value of this property to 'yes' if you want to save the layout details which are sent to the server to generate mapping XSL to the database along with the mapping JSON. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.services.aimap.enable | Enabling this feature will allow access to all the library of data maps that have been contributed by community of Adeptia users and customers. In return, it will also contribute your mapping metadata (mapping rules) to this community library. Rest assured that your business data or information will always remain in your control and never be shared. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.api.basic.authentication.enable | Enable or disable basic authentication for REST , Monitoring API and Legacy API like fetch service list etc. |
abpm.application.security | Enable or Disable Application Security. |
abpm.connect.idle.session.timeout.warning.time | Property to define time in seconds before which you want show warning message for session expiration for Connect Portal and Server. This value must be less than idle session time. |
abpm.connect.layout.max.file.size.limit | Maximum file size limit in MB for Connect for layouts (xml, text, excel, JSON, positional). |
abpm.connect.login.invalidLoginAttemptCount | You can configure this property for the number of valid log in attempts. You can set the number of attempts as per your requirement. The default value for the property is five (5). <br> Note :- If the value is set as 0, there will be unlimited login attempts. Any value of this property other than 0 or positive integer, will be treated as default value of 5. |
abpm.connect.login.invalidLoginAttemptTimeSpan | This property helps you limit the number of attempts within the stipulated time you have defined here. The default stipulated time will be 60 minutes. You need to define the value in minutes and it cannot be less than one (1) minute. <br> Note :- If you define any value less than one (1), it will be considered as the default value (60 minutes). |
abpm.connect.login.lockoutTime | This property helps you to define for how long the user's account will be locked after their login attempts are over. The default duration of the lockout is 120 minutes. You need to define the value in minutes and it cannot be less than one (1) minute. Note :- If you define any value less than one (1), it will be considered as the default value (120 minutes). |
abpm.connect.security.max.file.size.limit | Maximun file size limit in MB for Connect for key manager, keystore and truststore. |
SessionTimeOut | Maximum time (in minutes) for which user can remain logged in Adeptia Connect in idle state. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.dataMapper.dblookup.cache.limit | Number of Data Mapper Select Query and result string pairs to be cached. | 10000 | Any integer |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.dataMapper.dateFormat.validate | Parse invalid dates in the date format function available in the data mapping. yes - Date format function in the data mapper will parse invalid dates and will not give a blank output. no - Date format function in the data mapper will not parse invalid dates and gives a blank output. | yes | yes or no |
abpm.dataMapper.dateFunction.logError | Log Error for Data Mapper Date functions. | true | true or false |
abpm.dataMapper.filterEmptyElements | Enable to filter empty elements in the output of Data Mapper. | ||
abpm.dataMapper.saxonica.propertyFile | File path for saxonica parser properties file. | ||
abpm.dataMapper.valuemap.optimizedSave | Use this option to save the valuemap in an optimized way, this helps in creating large valuemaps. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.activities.dependencies.references.enable | Enable this to retrieve dependencies and references of activities. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
customClasses.readMode.jarOnly | Set the value for this property to true if you want the system to read the custom classes only from the JAR files. The default value for this property is false. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.diagnostics.license.threshold | Number of days remaining in the license expiry. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.solution.edi.pagination.enable | Enable or Disable Pagination. | Yes | Yes/No |
abpm.solution.edi.pagination.page.size | Maximum number of Records that will displayed in a page. | 20 | Any positive integer number |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.gui.error.message.enable | Enable or Disable Error Message. |
abpm.gui.error.trace.enable | Enable or Disable Error Trace. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.layoutbuilder.pdf.maxsize | Maximum allowed file size (in KB) used to create the PDF layout. |
abpm.services.advschema.file.max_columns | Max columns of uploaded file for schema creation. |
abpm.services.advschema.file.max_rows | Max rows of uploaded file for schema creation. |
abpm.services.advschema.file.max_sheets | Max sheets of uploaded file for schema creation. |
abpm.services.advschema.file.max_size | Max file size of uploaded file for schema creation (in KB). |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
logging.includeLocation | Used by log4j to include the location in the appenders (Console, jdbc etc.). Possible values of this property is true or false. |
logging.jdbc.buffer | Log4j JDBC Buffer Size. |
logging.level.audit | Audit logging level. For production server, it is recommended to use NOTICE log level. |
logging.level.root | Root Application logging level. For production server, it is recommended to use NOTICE log level. |
logging.level.system | System logging level. For production server, it is recommended to use NOTICE log level. |
logging.pattern.console |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.changePasswordNotification.sendNewPassword | Specifies whether you want to receive notification whenever a users password is changed. | yes | yes or no |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.bean.reverse.propertiesOrder | Enable or disable logic to reverse bean properties order while rendering HTML from bean editor to JSP. | ||
abpm.connect.default.usertype | Default user type to be assigned to user in case of multiple roles. | ||
abpm.gui.dataservice.showErrorMessage | Enable this property to see data service error messages. | ||
abpm.gui.error.message.contact.email | Contact email to show in GUI error messages. | ||
abpm.httprequest.connection.timeout | HTTP request connection time out for AJAX call in milliseconds. | 180000 | |
abpm.httprequest.connection.timeout.globalsearch | HTTP request connection time out for AJAX call in milliseconds for global search. | ||
abpm.message.fadeout.time | Auto fadeout for message in milliseconds. | 5000 | |
exportzip.path | Export Zip Path. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.activity.defaultPermission | Default permission mask while creating a new activity. The permission property contains a three-digit number, where:
7 = 4+2+1 (Read + Write + Execute)
| 750 | Combination of read, write, and execute permission that you want to give to each type of user (Owner, Other groups to which the owner belongs, and Users outside the owner's group). |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.contact.emailid | Contact emailid for private labeling. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.schema.hideVersion2.0 | |||
abpm.schemashowfieldcount | Indicates the maximum number of fields to be displayed in Text, Advanced Text and Advanced Positional Schema. | 200 | Any Positive Integer |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.server.side.entity.validation | Enable or disable server side entity validation before persisting entity in database. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.versionControl.enable | Enables versioning in Adeptia Connect. | false | true or false |
abpm.versionControl.client | Set Version Control Client. Possible values are: SVN or GIT. | ||
abpm.versionControl.email | Version Control Repository Email | ||
abpm.versionControl.keystore.password | Set a password for your keystore. Applicable only when you use an HTTPS protocol on an SVN server which is client authenticated. | ||
abpm.versionControl.keystore.path | Path of your keystore to use for client authentication. Applicable only when you use an HTTPS protocol on an SVN server which is client authenticated. | Any accessible location on a local system. | |
abpm.versionControl.password | Password of the user specified in the abpm.versionControl.username. | ||
abpm.versionControl.projectPath | This is the path of a local working copy of version control project. When you Check-In the activity of Adeptia Suite for the first time, a local copy of SVN project is created in the path specified in the property abpm.versionControl.projectPath. At the same time, a project with the name specified in the above property is also created in the SVN. If Adeptia Suite is installed on Windows OS then you can define either the absolute path or relative path with respect to ServerKernel folder. For example, you can define the absolute path as C:/Adpetia/AdeptiaVersionControl. It means that the local SVN project is created within C:/Adeptia/AdeptiaVersionControl folder. The default value of the property abpm.versionControl.projectPath is ./AdeptiaVersionControl. You can provide the path other than the default path in the abpm.versionControl.projectPath property as per your requirement. If Adeptia Suite is installed on Linux OS then you must specify the absolute path for the Local Version Control Project, for example, /root/home/ADEPTIA/AdeptiaVersionControl/. | Any absolute path or relative path with respect to ServerKernel folder. | |
abpm.versionControl.repository.access.protocol | Protocol to access the SVN server. | SVN | SVN/HTTP/HTTPS |
abpm.versionControl.repository.branch | Repository branch name on which all version control operations will be performed. This operation is applicable only for GIT client. | ||
abpm.versionControl.repository.url | IP address/Name of the host machine where SVN is installed in the following syntax: svn://<hostname >:<SVN port> where, <hostname> is hostname or IP address of the host, where SVN is installed. svn://<hostname >:<SVN port><Absolute Path of the Repository including the Repository Name> | svn://<hostname >:<SVN port> | |
abpm.versionControl.username | User Name of the Version Control Repository to access SVN repository. | As per configuration of SVN Server | |
abpm.versionControlHTTPRequest.connection.timeout | Version Control HTTP request connection time out for AJAX call in milliseconds. | 1800000 |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.webservice.consumer.wsdlparser.iswsdl4j | Option to select WSDL parser, either WSDL4j or EasyWSDL, used by Web Service consumer. | false | true/false |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.services.webmapper.autosaveenable | This property controls the default behavior of autosaving a web mapper while it is being created. Possible values: true or false. |
abpm.services.webmapper.autosavetime | Provide the time interval value in milliseconds for autosaving web mapper. This can be used if abpm.services.webmapper.autosaveenable is set to true. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.services.webpd.autosaveenable | This property controls the default behavior of autosaving a process designer while it is being created. Possible values: true or false. |
abpm.services.webpd.autosavetime | Provide the time interval value in milliseconds for autosaving process designer. This can be used if abpm.services.webpd.autosaveenable is set to true. |