Adeptia Connect (Properties)

Adeptia Connect (Properties)

PropertyDefault valueDescription
abpm.connect.enabledtrueAdeptia Suite is integrated with Adeptia Connect
abpm.connect.gac.enabletrueProperty to enable GAC
abpm.connect.template.displayName.enablefalseProperty to enable Display Name in Template
abpm.connect.indexbasedsearch.enabletrueProperty to enable index-based search. To enable index-based search set value to true and refer to the help for further steps
Property to define base directory for storing index files. This property is applicable only when Index-based searching is enabled.
abpm.services.webpd.autosaveenabletrueThis property controls the default behavior of autosaving a process designer while it is being created. Possible values: true or false.
abpm.services.webmapper.autosaveenabletrueThis property controls the default behavior of autosaving a web mapper while it is being created. Possible values: true or false.
Provide the time interval value in milliseconds for autosaving web mapper. This can be used if abpm.services.webmapper.autosaveenable is set to true.
abpm.services.webmapper.includeSchemaDetailsInMappingJSONnoSet the value of this property to 'yes' if you want to save the layout details which are sent to the server to generate mapping XSL to the database along with the mapping JSON.
abpm.services.webmapper.newXSLGenerationPolicyyesWhen this property is set to 'Yes', the new XSL generation policy will be used. If you want to switch back to the older XSL generation policy, you can set this value to 'No'. By default, the value for this property is 'Yes'.
abpm.services.advschema.enabledfalseThis option enable and disable advance schema builder
Max file size of uploaded file for schema creation (in KB)
Maximum allowed file size(in KB) used to create the PDF layout
Max rows of uploaded file for schema creation
Max columns of uploaded file for schema creation
Max sheets of uploaded file for schema creation
Contact email to show in GUI error messages.
abpm.connect.login.invalidLoginAttemptCount5You can configure this property for the number of valid log in attempts. You can set the number of attempts as per your requirement. The default value for the property is five (5).
Note :- If the value is set as 0, there will be unlimited login attempts. Any value of this property other than 0 or positive integer, will be treated as default value of 5.
abpm.connect.login.lockoutTime120This property helps you to define for how long the users' account will be locked after their login attempts are over. The default duration of the lockout is 120 minutes. You need to define the value in minutes and it cannot be less than one (1) minute.
Note :- If you define any value less than one (1), it will be considered as the default value (120 minutes).
abpm.connect.login.invalidLoginAttemptTimeSpan60This property helps you limit the number of attempts within the stipulated time you have defined here. The default stipulated time will be 60 minutes. You need to define the value in minutes and it cannot be less than one (1) minute.
Note :- If you define any value less than one (1), it will be considered as the default value (60 minutes).

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