Microservice Settings - ArchivalAndCleanup
Rohan Dhanwade (Deactivated)
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.AC_AUDITTRAIL_LOG.logRetainTime | Property that defines the retain time for AC_AUDITTRAIL_LOG. | ||
abpm.archive.dataRetainTime | Defines the retain time for archive data. If the value is left blank then retain time specified for log will be taken as data retain time. | ||
abpm.archive.EDI.logRetainTime | Property that defines retain time for archive log(in days) for different log solution groups. For each entry in abpm.appmanagement.log.solutionGroupNames, provide this property. Syntax is abpm.archive.solutionGroupName.logRetainTime. If this property is not specified, then default retain time of 30 days will be considered for this group. | ||
abpm.archive.logRetainTime | Defines the retain time for archive log. If the value is left blank then it takes 30 days as the default retain time. | ||
abpm.AU_EVENTLOG.logRetainTime | Property that defines the retain time for AU_EVENTLOG. | ||
abpm.AU_LOG.logRetainTime | Property that defines the retain time for AU_LOG. | ||
abpm.AU_PROCESSVARIABLETRACKER.logRetainTime | Property that defines the retain time for AU_PROCESSVARIABLETRACKER. | ||
abpm.AU_SAP_IDOC.logRetainTime | Property that defines the retain time for AU_SAP_IDOC. | ||
abpm.AU_SAP_TID.logRetainTime | Property that defines the retain time for AU_SAP_TID. | ||
abpm.AU_TRANSACTIONDATA.logRetainTime | Property that defines the retain time for AU_TRANSACTIONDATA. | ||
abpm.AU_TRANSACTIONLOG.logRetainTime | Property that defines the retain time for AU_TRANSACTIONLOG. | ||
abpm.create.repository.archive.path | Specifies whether to create the archive folder or not if it does not exist. Set this property to yes, if you want to archive the process flow logs before they are cleaned up by the cleanup process. If you set this property to no, then the logs are not archived before cleanup. | yes | yes or no |
abpm.data.archival.enable | Option to enable or disable the archival of the process flow repository. Set this property is to yes, if you want to archive the process flow repositories before they are cleaned up by the cleanup process. If you set this property to no, then the repositories are not archived before cleanup. | yes | yes or no |
abpm.EDI.logRetainTime | Property that defines the retain time for EDI. | ||
abpm.logs.archival.batch.enable | Specifies whether to archive the logs record by record or in a batch. If the values is no, records are archived one by one. | no | yes or no |
abpm.logs.archival.enable | Enable or disable Archival of Process flow log | yes | yes or no |
abpm.logs.checkForCommonRecords | Option to check for common records present (in case they were not deleted from source table) in AU_TRANSACTIONDATA table after archival and deletion. | ||
abpm.logs.deleteData.onArchivalFailure | Specifies whether to delete the records from the log table, if an error occurs in archival. If the value is no, then records from main log tables are not deleted when there is any error during archival. | no | yes or no |
abpm.logs.skipErrorRecordOnArchival | Option to continue archival process in case an error occurs during archival process. Error codes for which archival process shall be continued further needs to be specified in property 'abpm.logs.archival.skipErrorCodes' | ||
abpm.logTables.archive.chunks.size | To archive data in chunks. Only positive integer will be a valid value. Use maximum value 999 in case of Oracle. | ||
adeptia.group.names | Group Names (comma separated). |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.logs.archival.batch.size | Specifies the number of records to be archived in one batch. Its value specifies the number of records, which are archived in one batch, when abpm.logs.archival.batch.enable property is set to yes. | 1000 | any integer |
abpm.logs.archival.database | Specifies whether to archive the logs on the same database, which is used to store the logs, or to use another database. Set this property to 1, if you want to archive the logs in the same database, where the logs are being stored. In this case, for every log table, an archive table is created in the log database and logs are archived in these tables. | 1 | 1 or 2 |
abpm.logs.archival.dbType | Type of log database. | As specified during installation |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
abpm.AC_AUDITTRAIL_LOG.cleanup.column | AuditTrail cleanup column. |
abpm.AC_AUDITTRAIL_LOG.pk.column | Primary Key for AC_AUDITTRAIL_LOG. |
abpm.AC_TXN_EXE_ERROR.cleanup.column | AC_TXN_EXE_ERROR cleanup column. |
abpm.AC_TXN_EXE_LOG.cleanup.column | AC_TXN_EXE_LOG cleanup column. |
abpm.AC_TXN_EXE_LOG.delete.starttime.column | AC_TXN_EXE_LOG delete column. |
abpm.AC_TXN_EXE_LOG.pk.column | Primary Key for AC_TXN_EXE_LOG. |
abpm.AC_TXN_EXE_LOG.txn.pid.column | Property that define transactionDomainId / transactionPID column name for AC_TXN_EXE_LOG table based on which clean up for running transactions data will not be done. |
abpm.appmanagement.log.solutionGroupNames | Property that defines different solution groups. Each solution group contains log tables on which clean up action will be performed. It can contain any number of comma separated solution group names. On adding any new group, specify logRetainTime, cleanup.class property too for that group. |
abpm.appmanagement.logTablesNames | Property that define different log tables on which clean up action will be performed. It can contain any number of comma separated table name. On adding any new table, specify logRetainTime, cleanup.column, txn.domainId.column/txn.pid.column property too. |
abpm.appmanagement.retainTime | Data Cleanup Retain Time. |
abpm.AU_EDIFACTUNBDATA.txn.pid.column | Property that define transactionDomainId / transactionPID column name for AU_EDIFACTUNBDATA table based on which clean up for running transactions data will not be done. |
abpm.AU_EVENTLOG.cleanup.column | AU_EVENTLOG cleanup column. |
abpm.AU_INTERCHANGEDATA.txn.pid.column | Property that define transactionDomainId / transactionPID column name for AU_INTERCHANGEDATA table based on which clean up for running transactions data will not be done. |
abpm.AU_LOG.cleanup.column | AU_LOG cleanup column. |
abpm.AU_LOG.pk.column | Primary Key for AU_LOG. |
abpm.AU_PROCESSVARIABLETRACKER.txn.pid.column | Property that define transactionDomainId / transactionPID column name for AU_PROCESSVARIABLETRACKER table based on which clean up for running transactions data will not be done. |
abpm.AU_ROUTINGDATA.txn.pid.column | Property that define transactionDomainId / transactionPID column name for AU_ROUTINGDATA table based on which clean up for running transactions data will not be done. |
abpm.AU_SAP_IDOC.cleanup.column | AU_SAP_IDOC cleanup column. |
abpm.AU_SAP_IDOC.pk.column | Primary Key for AU_SAP_IDOC. |
abpm.AU_SAP_IDOC.txn.pid.column | Property that define transactionDomainId / transactionPID column name for AU_SAP_IDOC table based on which clean up for running transactions data will not be done. |
abpm.AU_SAP_TID.cleanup.column | AU_SAP_TID cleanup column. |
abpm.AU_SAP_TID.pk.column | Primary Key for AU_SAP_TID. |
abpm.AU_SPAZIOLOG.cleanup.column | Spazio cleanup column. |
abpm.AU_SPAZIOLOG.pk.column | Primary Key for AU_SPAZIOLOG. |
abpm.AU_TRANSACTIONDATA.cleanup.column | AU_TRANSACTIONDATA cleanup column. |
abpm.AU_TRANSACTIONDATA.delete.starttime.column | AU_TRANSACTIONDATA delete column. |
abpm.AU_TRANSACTIONDATA.pk.column | Primary Key for AU_TRANSACTIONDATA. |
abpm.AU_TRANSACTIONDATA.txn.domainId.column | Property that define transactionDomainId / transactionPID column name for AU_TRANSACTIONDATA table based on which clean up for running transactions data will not be done. |
abpm.AU_TRANSACTIONDATA.txn.sequenceId.column | Property that defines sequence id column name for transaction data table based on which clean up for running transactions data will not be done. If this property is not specified, then clean up for running transactions will not be prevented for transaction data table. |
abpm.AU_TRANSACTIONLOG.cleanup.column | AU_TRANSACTIONLOG cleanup column. |
abpm.AU_TRANSACTIONLOG.pk.column | Primary Key for AU_TRANSACTIONLOG. |
abpm.AU_TRANSACTIONLOG.txn.pid.column | Property that define transactionDomainId / transactionPID column name for AU_TRANSACTIONLOG table based on which clean up for running transactions data will not be done. |
abpm.logTable.delete.retryCount | Number of times the utility shall try running the delete query for all tables in case there is an error in executing it. Error codes for which retry shall be performed needs to be specified in property 'abpm.logs.delete.retryErrorCodes' |
abpm.logTable.delete.retryInterval | Time interval(in seconds) after which the re-execution of delete query for transaction log and transaction data tables will be performed if the first execution of the query fails. |
abpm.logTables.delete.chunks.delay | Option to configure the delay between consecutive chunk deletion. Value provided is in seconds. |
abpm.logTables.delete.chunks.enable | Enable this property to delete log table data in chunks. |
abpm.logTables.delete.chunks.size | Option to configure the number of rows that will delete from the table per chunk. For SQL-Server database server we should not keep chunk size value to more than 5000; otherwise it will do lock escalation i.e. it will exclusively lock the entire table. |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.logdb.isolation.level | Controls the transaction locking behavior for all statements issued by a connection. | 1 | Any integer |
abpm.logs.dbType | Type of log database. | As specified during installation. | |
abpm.logTables.autoCommit.enable | Option to configure whether database transactions commit automatically or not. | ||
abpm.logTables.fetchSize | Option to configure the number of rows that shall be fetched from the database each time new set of records is needed. |
Property name | Description |
Property name | Description |
logging.level.root | Root Application logging level. For production server, it is recommended to use NOTICE log level. |
logging.level.system | System logging level. For production server, it is recommended to use NOTICE log level. |
logging.pattern.console |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
Property name | Description | Default value | Possible value |
abpm.logs.sendNotification.onArchivalFailure | Specifies whether to send a mail, if an error occurs during log archival. If the value is no, then no mail notification is sent in case of any error during log archival. | yes | yes or no |