Configuring mail server parameters

Configuring mail server parameters

This page contains the following information:

Configuring mail server parameters

Follow the steps below to configure the mail server parameters in Adeptia Connect:

  1. Click Account > Settings.
  2. Expand Application Settings, and then select Common in the left panel.
  3. Expand the property category, Mail Server Parameters.
  4. Double-click the corresponding value fields for the Mail Server Parameters to change their values.
  5. Click Update.
    You'll see a message saying 'Properties saved successfully'.

Configuring EDI mail server parameters

Follow the steps below to configure the EDI mail server parameters in Adeptia Connect:

  1. Click Account > Settings.
  2. Expand Microservice Settings, and then select Runtime in the left panel.
  3. Expand the property category EDI Configuration for Mail Notifications.
  4. Double-click the corresponding value fields for the properties as mentioned in the table below, and update their values.

    Error type



    Place of configuration

    System Level


    Email ID mentioned in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.systemErrorNotification.receiverEmailIds property.

    EDI Solution Parameters. Define the required receiver Email ID in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.systemErrorNotification.receiverEmailIds property.



    Message Level


    Email ID mentioned in the trading partner activity.

    • Trading partner contact information.
    • EDI Solution Parameters, define sender Email ID in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.nackNotification.senderEmailId property.



    Email ID mentioned in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property.

    EDI Solution Parameters, define the required Email ID in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property.

    Interchange Level


    Email ID mentioned in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.interChangeErrorNotification.senderEmailId and abpm.solution.edi.notification.interChangeErrorNotification.receiverEmailId property.

    EDI Solution Parameters, define the sender and the receiver Email IDs in their respective properties.





    Schema Level


    Email ID mentioned in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property.

    EDI Solution Parameters, define the required Email IDs in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property.



    Email ID mentioned in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property.

    EDI Solution Parameters.
    Define the required Email ID/s in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property.

  5. Click Update.
    You'll see a message saying 'Properties saved successfully'. 

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