List of context variables
Akash Kumar Jaiswal (Unlicensed)
Avinash Kumar
Following is the list of all context variables of services that can be overridden at runtime by using the Put-Context-Var action in the process flow.
Service | Context Variables |
IndigoReport | TypedId sqlQuery |
Encryption | TypedId |
WebdavTarget | TypedId fileLocation fileName password secure serverName serverPort userId |
ExchangeServerTarget | TypedId cdoMachineName domainName mailboxName password serverName |
DatabaseSource | TypedId |
FileSource | TypedId deleteOnSuccess fileName filePath |
FtpTarget | TypedId autoFolderCreation fileName filePattern ftpProtectionLevel ftpTimeout ftpUserId hostName keyManager password port remoteFilePath transferMode transferType |
DashBoardDesign | TypedId |
MailTarget | TypedId cdoMachine dataLocation domain fileName hostName mailPriority mailSubject password port receiverEmailId secure securityType senderEmailId userId Service.mail_target_activity_name.bcc |
VLTraderAction | TypedId action hostName |
SecretKey | TypedId |
ContextDownload | TypedId |
DatabasePollingService | TypedId conditionValue dbtrigger expiryTime operators pollingFrequency sqlQuery triggerName |
ServicePermissionEntry | TypedId |
DataSecurity | TypedId action keyId keyManager privateKeyPassword typeOfDataSecurity keyFilePathprivateKeyPassword |
ContextUpload | TypedId |
DashBoardComponentCreation | TypedId |
WsRestConsumer | TypedId connectTimeout fileName oauthAccountID partName presentationParameterXML readTimeout resourceParameterXML restUrl signatureMethod |
TransactionTrigger | TypedId |
HTMLSchema | TypedId |
MessageComposer | TypedId |
TradingPartner | TypedId |
CustomService | TypedId |
EventRegistry | TypedId |
MessageExtractor | TypedId |
AdvancedDatabaseSource | TypedId dbConnectionInfo schemaTypedId |
SpazioSource | TypedId correlationID disposition extFileAttrList includeConsulted password queue queueMgr sender spazioAccount userID usrClass |
TextSchema | |
VLTraderSource | TypedId hostName |
LanFileSource | TypedId deleteOnSuccess fileName filePath fileSystem password secure useWindowsService userId |
CustomPlugin | TypedId |
HttpPost | TypedId postType rfcFormat url |
HttpSource | TypedId password secure url userId |
DatabaseConnectionInfo | TypedId appType |
DigitalCertificate | TypedId |
CopyActivity | TypedId |
Decryption | TypedId |
FtpSource | TypedId deleteOnSuccess fileName ftpProtectionLevel ftpTimeout ftpUserId hostName keyManager password port remoteFilePath transferMode transferType |
FileTarget | TypedId autoFolderCreation fileName filePath filePattern |
XMLSchema | TypedId |
JmsProvider | TypedId jmsServerType password |
WsRpcCall | TypedId callTimeout connectTimeout endPoint securityPolicy |
JmsSource | TypedId messageSelector messageType password queueOrTopic queueOrtopicName subscriberID timeOut userName |
XmlValidator | TypedId |
MailSource | TypedId bodyContentType cdoMachine dataLocation domain fileName hostName leaveCopyOnServer mailSubject password port protocol secure securityType senderEmail userId |
ProcessFlowTemplate | TypedId |
DataMapping | TypedId |
PositionalSchema | TypedId |
DatabaseTarget | TypedId |
JcaAdapter | TypedId |
AdvanceDbSchema | TypedId |
ScriptedRecord2RecordTransformer | TypedId |
WebdavSource | TypedId fileLocation fileName password secure serverName serverPort userId |
WsProvider | TypedId |
SpazioGovTarget | TypedId completionCode correlationId destinationEndpoint destinationFilename destinationRepository eventDescription eventType inheritGBIFileAttributes jobName reasonCode sender sourceEndpoint sourceFilename sourceRepository userId |
WsMessageCall | TypedId callTimeout connectTimeout endPoint securityPolicy |
MailPolling | TypedId cdoMachine domain expiryTime filterCriteria hostName leaveCopyOnServer mailContent mailPassword mailSubject mailUserId pollingFrequency port secure securityType senderEmail |
BpelProcess | TypedId |
BusinessRole | TypedId |
VLTraderTarget | TypedId fileName filePath hostName |
HumanInteraction | TypedId emailBody emailSubject hiReceiverRoles hiReceiverUsers repositoryFolder taskDescription taskPriority webFormTypeID |
AdvancedDatabaseTarget | TypedId dbConnectionInfo schemaTypedId |
DatabaseDriverInfo | TypedId |
JmsTarget | TypedId jmsCorrelationID jmsPriority jmsReplyTo messageDeliveryMode messagePropertiesXML messageTimeToLive messageType password queueOrTopic queueOrtopicName userName |
ExcelSchema | TypedId password |
LanFileTarget | TypedId autoFolderCreation fileName filePath filePattern fileSystem password secure useWindowsService userId |
EDISchema | TypedId |
MailNotification | TypedId fileName filePath mailReceiverUsers mailSubject message notificationCriteria notificationType receiverEmailIds |
NativeCall | TypedId arguments fileName workingDirectory |
FtpPollingService | TypedId expiryTime fileBaseLocation filterIn filterOut ftpPassword ftpProtectionLevel ftpUserId hostName keyManager pollingFrequency port stableTime transferType triggerType |
DbSchema | TypedId |
SpazioTarget | TypedId correlationID dataType destFileName eorType fileDescription password queue queueMgr
recordType sender spazioAccount userID usrClass |
ExchangeServerSource | TypedId cdoMachineName domainName mailboxName password serverName |
StoredProcedure | TypedId storedProcedureInOutParams storedProcedureInParams |
SecurityPolicy | TypedId |
FilePollingService | TypedId expiryTime fileBaseLocation filterIn filterOut password pollingFrequency secure stableTime triggerType useWindowsService userId |
AdvancePositionalSchema | TypedId |