Viewing execution of a Process Flow

Viewing execution of a Process Flow

You can view the execution of a Process Flow by following some simple steps. All the services present in a Process Flow from start to end constitute the execution view wherein you can see the currently running service blinking in different color. Once a service completes, it displays a green check icon  on it and then next service starts blinking. Any service having a cross icon  indicates that the service has not executed successfully.  

Execution view gives you a visual representation of the execution status of a Process Flow which you can interpret easily and access as and when you need. 

Follow the steps below to view the execution of a Process Flow:

  1. Log in to Adeptia Connect.
  2. Go to the Dashboard page.
  3. Click Transactions icon from the left pane.
    It lists all the available services. If you want to see the list of Process Flows only, you can select Process Flows option from the All Messages drop-down list.
  4. Under the Action menu for a Process Flow, click Execution View.
    A new browser tab will opens and displays the Process Flow and the services therein.

    The status of services in a Process Flow can be interpreted as follows:

    Services statusDescription

    Service is still running.

    Service is executed.

    Service has failed.