Using TicketCache (Currently Logged in user details)
Akash Kumar Jaiswal (Unlicensed)
Avinash Kumar
Ensure that your window's registry is setup as follows:
Field Name | Description/Action |
For Windows XP and Windows 2000, the registry key and value should be: | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos |
For Windows 2003 and Windows Vista, the registry key and value should be: | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Parametes |
Refer the following table for details of the configuration file:
Field Name | Description/Action |
KerberosClient | Name of the login module |
useTicketCache | Set this to true, if you want the TGT to be obtained from the ticket cache. Set this option to false if you do not want this module to use the ticket cache. |
renewTGT | Set this to true, if you want to renew the TGT. If this is set, useTicketCache must also be set to true; else it will show a configuration error. |
Debug | Enabling this can sometimes be helpful to know the root cause of an authentication error. |
doNotPromp | Setting this to true, will not prompt the user for the password. |