Layout Builder
- Akash Kumar Jaiswal (Unlicensed)
- Ashhad Alam
Layout Builder helps you manually create a layout through a data file directly through an interactive UI. You can choose a sample or an exact source file to define the layout by custom selection.
By default, this feature remains disabled in the product. You need to enable this feature before you start working on this.
You can create the following layouts with Layout Builder.
Enabling Layout Builder
To enable Layout Builder, you need to configure the relevant property in Adeptia Connect.
Only an Admin User can enable the Layout Builder.
Follow the steps below to enable the Layout Builder:
- Click Account > Settings.
- Expand the Server Nodes Settings in the left panel.
- Select the server node.
- Click Edit.
Click to expand Adeptia Connect.
Update the value for the property to true.
The default value of the property is false.- Click Save.
- Reload the configuration.
- Refresh the Adeptia Connect GUI.
If required, you can also modify the values of some additional properties that govern the functioning of the Layout Builder. These properties are available in Account > Settings > Server Nodes Settings under the categories Adeptia Connect and Shared Path.
To set the properties under Adeptia Connect category,
- Follow the steps from 1 through 5 given in this section.
- Update the values for the following properties,
- Set the value for the property to define the max size of uploaded file for layout creation (in KB).
- Set the value for the property to define the max rows of uploaded file for layout creation.
- Set the value for the property to define the max columns of uploaded file for layout creation.
- Set the value for the property to define the max sheets of uploaded file for layout creation.
To set the property under Shared Path category,
- Follow the steps from 1 through 4 given in this section.
- Click to expand Shared Path.
- Update the value for the abpm.advschema.path property to configure the location where you want the layout files to be created.