Service Type

Service Type

Selecting the option ‘Objects based on Service Type’ helps you export all the activities along with their dependencies based on the selected service type.

Perform the following steps to export the activities of a specific service/activity type:

  1. Select Objects based on Service Type and click Next.
  2. Select the service type. You can select multiple service types.

  3. Click Next to provide the filter criteria to export the service type.
  4. On Select Filtering Criteria screen, select the filter column, comparison criteria, and comparison value in the Specify filter criteriaSpecify comparison criteria, and Specify comparison value respectively.

    If you select < in the Specify comparison criteria drop-down list box, the wizard will include all the objects in the export file that are less than the date specified in the Specify comparison value text box.

    If you select > in the Specify comparison criteria drop-down list, the wizard will include all the objects in the export file that are greater than the date specified in the Specify comparison value text box.

  5. Browse to and select the target location to save the exported file. The objects are exported in a zip file.

  6. Click Next.
    A dialog box appears confirming activities have been exported successfully. In case of failure, it displays an error message and rollbacks the entire operation.

  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Save Logs to save the logs. Choose the location to save the logs.
  9. Click Finish to exit the Migration utility.