Viewing Logs

Viewing Logs

The information about the process flow and the activities are stored in the logs. There are three levels of logging:

  • ERROR: This is the minimal setting. This is the default log level selected during the process flow creation. This indicates that in the Process flow log, messages of ERROR level are logged by default. The following message types are logged:

    • SEVERE errors are the ones that cause premature termination.

    • ERROR and FATAL type messages deal with other runtime errors or unexpected conditions.

  • NOTICE: The NOTICE log level captures all the notable events in the application including the error messages. For example, the Cluster and Queue Processor component log messages at the NOTICE log level. 

  • INFO: This is the typical setting. By default, logs of INFO level are logged in the log database. The following message types are logged:

    • All messages as defined in the ERROR category.

    • Warning (WARN) messages such as runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong", are logged.

    • All Process flow Start and End messages.

    • Detailed information about each process flow and activity details (INFO) are logged such as start and end time for each activity/module/node, number of records processed, etc.

  • DEBUG: This is the most detailed setting. It is expected that you want this level of detail for tracing errors and troubleshooting. The following message types are logged:

    • All messages as defined in the ERROR category.

    • All messages as defined in the INFO category.

    • Detailed messages for each module, activity or node as it is executed including trace messages and flow information.

    • Display of Process flow global variables after end of every activity.

    • Any other information that may be helpful in debugging.

Access Control to Logs

Log information that is displayed in the logs is not filtered as per the user's permissions. Every user with the minimal read permissions can view the logs. Only the logs specific to the user's group are displayed to the user. A user cannot view log information for other groups.

The logs are classified into four categories:

  • Viewing Audit Trail Log

  • Viewing Event Log

  • Viewing System Log

  • Viewing Process Flow Log