Viewing Transaction details

Adeptia Connect provides a designated screen 'View Transaction' for you to view the details about a Transaction, including Transaction name, type, Template used, creation date, Source and the Destination application, etc. This View Transaction screen is dynamic in nature in the sense that it shows you the information based on the current metadata of the Transaction. While some details (Definition section) are available on the View Transaction screen upfront, you need to expand the other sections (for example: Source, Destination, Mapping, etc.) to view the relevant details.

To view the Transaction details:

  1. Click Transactions Transactions.
  2. On the Transactions screen, do one of the following:
    • Click  > View.

    • Click the name of the Transaction to view details.


    The View Transaction screen displays the details of the Transaction as shown below.

    You can expand or collapse the other sections to show or hide the Transaction details.

    You can also edit and delete the Transaction from the View Transaction window. Click  to edit the Transaction details. Click to delete the Transaction.
    If you have configured the Partner Parameter while creating a Template then you will find the configured parameter value in the Location field.