Application security report

Application security report

Adeptia follows established processes for security testing and ensures that there is zero critical and high vulnerability in the released product. This page provides the testing report for security testing done on Adeptia Connect v3.3.

Penetration testing

Adeptia has engaged a third-party vendor 'RedTeam Security Consulting' to perform a web security assessment and penetration testing of Adeptia Connect v3.3 and ensured zero critical and high vulnerability issues. The table below contains the links to security scanning reports and their summary for your reference.

Security scanning report

Summary of the report

Third party dependency scanning

Adeptia undertakes a detailed scanning of third party dependency to ensure there is no high or critical security vulnerability in the third party dependencies bundled with Adeptia Connect. This assessment involves a deep automated scan using automated scanning tools 'White Source' to discover the security vulnerabilities. 

Click the link below to see the third party dependency scanning report. 

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