Adding a Partner

Adding a Partner

Add a Partner to exchange the data with a Company. A Partner could be a Customer, Supplier, or a Vendor. You can add a Partner to multiple Networks.  

Before adding a Partner, ensure that you have:

  • added a Network.
  • provided the Host ID of your Company (Account > My Company > Edit). This is mandatory to configure EDI settings for a Partner.   

All partners are added as internal partner initially. However, an internal partner can become a self-managed partner or an external partner after accepting the email and activating the account on Connect. Company user must specify the email id for an external partner while adding a partner. Note that the facility to add an external or self-managed partner is available only in a few editions of this product, contact Adeptia Support to upgrade if you don't see this option.

To add a partner:

  1. Click Partners Partners > Add Partner.

  2. Provide Partner Details such as Partner Name and Network name. Click Next.

  3. Click Adeptia India will manage... if you want to add this partner as an internal partner. Else, click Allow <partner name> to self manage...

  4. You can update the value of parameters for a Partner if the Partner belongs to a Parameterized Network only. There are conditions to display the parameters of the selected Network:

    • If there are only ungrouped parameters then all the parameters will be in the expanded view.
    • If there are multiple parameters with and without the group name, then ungrouped parameters will be displayed on top and in the expanded view.
    • If there is only one parameter with the group name then by default, it will be in the expanded view.
    • If there are multiple parameters with group name then the first parameter will be expanded and others are collapsed.
  5. In order to send or receive EDI data from/to the Partner, select Configure EDI Settings checkbox to configure EDI settings and parameters for the Partner. Three groups - EDI Configuration, Inbound Global Control Numbers, and Outbound Global Control Numbers appear.

    1. Click to expand EDI Configuration.
    2. Provide the Partner email.
    3. Provide the Partner ID. Host ID of the company is populated automatically. You can change the Host ID, if required.

      The combination of these IDs must be unique. IDs can be alphanumeric with minimum one character and maximum 15 characters. Only space and underscore are allowed.

    4. The values in the fields of the group - Inbound Global Control Numbers and Outbound Global Control Numbers are populated automatically. If you want to change the values, click to expand Inbound Group Control Numbers and Outbound Group Control Numbers and provide the values corresponding to the fields. The values defined in the fields will serve as a global defined values while creating EDI Transactions. 

      Control Number is a unique identification number to help sender and receiver for transmitting and receiving EDI documents. 
  6. Click Add to add the partner for your company.

If you have added the partner in self manage category, the partner will receive an email and should follow the steps given below to activate the account.

Partner Activating Account

The Partner needs to follow these steps to activate the account:

  1. Open your Inbox.
  2. Search the email received from your Company.
  3. Click Setup Account.
  4. On the Complete Your Registration form, displayed in a new tab, fill in the details and click Complete Registration

    You can't change Partner Name and Email id.
  5. This completes your registration and activates your account. Login to Adeptia Connect using your registered email id. 


Next Step

Creating a Template

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