Release Highlights

What's New in this Release?

New Features & Improvements

  • Priority based Queue Processor
    You can execute process flows based on the priority information associated with each process flow. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • New Home Page for Professional and Premier Editions of Adeptia Connect
    Adeptia Connect now features a new Home Page for Professional and Premier Editions. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Tracer Utility for Connect Portal
    Tracer Utility helps you collect diagnostics information for Connect Portal. 

  • Improvements for Non-custom Templates
    With this release, 'File & Message' and 'App' type templates are now represented under the following categories:

o    Convert Template 
      Select this type to convert CSV, Excel, Fixed Length, XML or Business application data into another format. Click here to know more about this option. 

o    Pass-thru Template 
      Select this type to transfer data without any conversion. Click here to know more about this option. 

   This updates also gives you the flexibility to define Source, Target, Layout, and other activities in Template or Transaction.

  • Update Contact User without deactivating the Template/Transaction
    Adeptia Connect now allows you to modify the Contact User (email address) without deactivating the Template/Transaction. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Edit Routing Option for Template with Content-Based Routing
    Routing for Templates (with Content-Based Routing) can now be updated without editing the Template. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Define Common Source Account in Template
    With this enhancement, you can now define common source account in the template and allow your partner to define trigger and source file location at the Transaction level using 'Partner will define this step' check box. This is applicable for file-based and business application. 

  • Grant Access to specific or multiple Templates 
    Grant Access feature now lets you give your partner access to specific or multiple Templates in Adeptia Connect. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Support for Archive Source File in Prebuilt EDI Templates
    Adeptia Connect will create an archive of the source file in the Archive folder for future access if the 'Create Archive File (Optional)' check box is selected in Prebuilt EDI Templates. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Support to define the source in EDI Inbound Template
    You can now define the Source while creating EDI Inbound Template. Earlier you were able to define the source only while creating the EDI Inbound Transaction. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Support to define the Target in EDI Inbound Transaction
    You can now define the Target while creating EDI Inbound Transaction. Earlier you were able to define the target only while creating the EDI Inbound Template. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Support to define EDI Configuration in EDI Inbound Transaction
    You can now define the EDI Configuration (EDI Standard, Version, Association Assign Code, etc.) while creating EDI Inbound Transaction. Earlier you were able to define the EDI Configuration only while creating the EDI Inbound Template. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Generating multiple group segments (GS) in single ISA
    While creating an EDI outbound transaction, you can now generate the multiple group segments within a single ISA. To achieve this, you need to select Generate Multiple Groups checkbox at the EDI Configuration step. This is only applicable when Batch Mode is selected as ‘Yes’.

  • Updated Layout Builder Interface with specific fields in Adeptia Connect 
    The user interface of the following Layouts has been updated.

o    Excel Layout
o    Text Layout

   Excel Layout now has got all the features supported in Developer Studio.

  • Support for migrating all types of Objects from Adeptia Connect
    Adeptia Connect now comes with an enhanced interface for Migration Utility. With this enhancement, you can now migrate the individual entities and also the entities based on project and service type. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Support to display Process Flows Logs
    You can now see the Process Flows logs in a separate screen by selecting the Process Flows option from the drop-down list.
     Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Advanced Search for Trigger Logs 
    Using this enhancement, you can now use Advanced Search for Trigger Logs on the Dashboard.

  • Audit Trail feature captures additional information
    This enhancement now enables you to capture the following information for your logs:

o    Client IP address: Client IP Address of the logged-in user will be captured

o    View Source File: Details of the source file accessed by any user.

o    Repository: Details of the Repository accessed by any user.

  • Support for retaining the Search Results
    Search results are retained even if you navigate back and forth using the browser’s Back and Next button.

  • Project selection even if GAC is disabled
    Now you can manage the entities within the Projects even if GAC is disabled. 

  • Display Server time on Adeptia Connect user interface
    The system displays the server time on the bottom pane.

  • WebForm supported in all editions of Adeptia Connect
    WebForm is now available in all Adeptia Connect editions.

  • Manage Objects (now obsolete) menu merged with Configuration tab options
    The Manage Objects menu options are now merged with Configuration tab options in Adeptia Connect. Manage Objects menu is no longer available.

  • Option for collapse and expand on each node of Web Mapper
    Adeptia Connect now supports collapse and expand option for each node that is having child node(s) in Web Mapper. 

  • Indicator introduced to identify the number of variables in the Web Process Designer
    In the Web Process Designer, you can now identify the number of variables by the Indicator in Activity Properties Panel. 

Security Enhancements

  • Removed Basic Authentication between Connect Server and Connect Portal
    JWT based Authentication has been introduced to ensure more secure communication between Connect Server and Connect Portal.

  • TLS v1.0 and v1.1 have been disabled in both Connect Portal and Connect Server.
  • Subresource Integrity vulnerabilities have been fixed.
  • Python code injection vulnerabilities have been fixed.
  • OS Command Injection vulnerabilities have been fixed.
  • SQL Code Injection vulnerabilities have been fixed.
  • JavaScript Injection (DOM-Based) vulnerabilities have been fixed.
  • Vulnerable third party jars have been upgraded to remove vulnerabilities in those jars.

Developer Studio Features Supported in Adeptia Connect

The following features are now supported in Adeptia Connect too. 

  • Support for creating Web Service Consumer/Provider activities directly through Adeptia Connect
    You can now create following activities of Web Services directly through Adeptia Connect which were earlier available only from Developer Studio:

o    REST Consumer
o    REST Provider
o    Security Policy 
o    SOAP Consumer
o    SOAP RPC Consumer
o    SOAP Security Policy

Click here to know more about this option. 

  • OAuth Authentication in REST Account of Transaction/Template
    Adeptia Connect now supports OAuth Authentication in the REST Account of Transaction/Template. 

  • Message Level Security in SOAP Account of Transaction/Template
    Adeptia Connect now supports Message Level Security in SOAP Account of Transaction/Template. 

  • Logs Clean-up and Archive Logs in Adeptia Connect
    Adeptia Connect now supports Logs Clean-up and Archival feature which were earlier available only from Developer Studio. New ‘Cleanup Now’ button has been added to clean log tables data and respective repository. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Display of Logs Clean-up error on Connect Home Page
    A notification link to Logs Clean-up error message is displayed on the Home Page of Adeptia Connect which will redirect to System Console. Click here to know more about this option. 
  • Data Interface in Adeptia Connect
    Using this enhancement, you can now manage and execute data interface from Adeptia Connect which were earlier available only from Developer Studio. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • System Console in Adeptia Connect 
    System Console displays information about overall system health and helps you diagnose errors that occur in Adeptia Connect. Click here to know more about this option. 

Bug Fixes

Following Bugs have been fixed in this release:

  • REST Consumer does not override Header Parameters while executing a transaction using Custom Template. 
  • While creating a REST account, the system throws an alert message if the value of Header Parameters exceeds 256 characters.
  • Issue related to access to vault value through put context variable.
  • Issue related to data mapping being aborted with an error message when EAR is enabled.
  • Issue related to the User Interface of the Theme Settings tab while viewing on a bigger screen. 
  • While moving a project to a target project using Move All option, the system throws a failure error. 
  • Issue related to display the created local variables when selecting an element of Target Layout.
  • Issue related to display an error on the error panel of Web Mapper.
  • An issue with the Key Function behavior while using Web Mapper in Adeptia Connect. 
  • Issue related to saving the Template after changing the Value Map name associated with that Template.
  • The system throws an error message while deleting the favorite Transaction in Adeptia Connect. 
  • Issue related to login in Adeptia Connect with multiple roles through Custom Implementor Class.
  • Issue related to file processing time when 'Optimize XLSX File Processing' check box is selected while creating Excel Layout. 
  • Issue related to the editing constraint of the profile of LDAP user. 
  • The system throws an error message when the file-path contains special characters while uploading a file in LAN Source and Target Activity. 
  • Issue related to add activity in Web Process Designer using 'Attach Server Entity' option. 
  • Web Process Designer fails to open the applet version of process flow in Adeptia Connect.
  • Issue related to the incorrect execution status of Transactions on Connect Dashboard that are linked with the same event. 

  • Issue while creating multiple EDI 850 Transactions with same EDI configuration for the same partner using prebuilt EDI Template. 

  • Issue related to discrepancy of the execution status of EDI Transactions on Transaction Dashboard and B2B Logs.

  • Partner is unable to define the Target Layout while configuring the Transaction using a Custom Template. 
  • Issue in representation of the image of a process flow using a SVG file type. 
  • Issue related to search result of Templates using Donut Chart on Transactions and Configure tabs in Adeptia Connect. 
  • Issue related to loss of mapping rules when a search is performed on Source Layout in Web Mapper. 
  • The system throws a Null Pointer Exception error while parsing a file in Excel Layout when the 'Filter Invalid XML Character' check box is selected. 
  • Default Excel Layout does not process the cell value that has formulas and currency symbols in the source excel file. 
  • Issue with the query/logic that fetched in an incorrect number of hub user count. 
  • Issue related to the behavior of Auto Save feature wherein it used to save the process flow even if there were no changes made. 
  • While editing a Transaction, the system throws an error and does not allow the user to proceed further. 
  • Issue related to the execution of Custom Transaction after the Migration.
  • The system throws an error related to mail notification receiver email id(s) if Secure check box is checked while creating the file event.
  • Issue of a Transaction based on a Convert type template being marked as successfully executed even if the layout has issues and erroneous records are created during execution.
  • An error message is thrown while viewing a transaction that has been created based on a template having ‘Amazon S3’ at source and with ‘New or Updated File’ trigger selected.
  • Issue related to Web Process Designer showing Gateway script condition on Custom API.
  • Issue related to Web Process Designer that does not allow a gateway condition to compare a variable (text type) with a blank value.
  • Issue related to Web Process Designer that takes a long time to open a process flow.
  • While opening a process flow in Web Process Designer having Put-context-var does not show the variable in which the activity name is not selected.
  • Issue related to loss of mapping rules like ‘for each’ and ‘local variables’ (copied from the first layout) at a new target layout when the first layout is deleted in Web Mapper.
  • The system throws an error message ‘Error in obtaining transaction context’ while running debugger in Web Mapper.
  • The system throws an error message ‘Please upload data for all layouts’ while performing the test in data viewer with multiple sources in Web Mapper.
  • Issue related to REST WebHook with Basic Authentication has been fixed.
  • While editing the template to change the Parameter Type value to ‘Radio Button’ of the Transaction Parameters, the ‘Input Options’ field becomes non-editable.
  • Issue related to the JSON layout that round-off the decimal values after passing through it. 
  • Issue related to key manager file not being retained even if you retain the key manager activity while migrating the objects.
  • Reference column value is not getting set for the Dashboard in custom transaction.
  • LAN File Target in EDI outbound template does not show ‘File name’ and ‘Add Time stamp’ option.
  • Database Target using MS SQL server with Integrated Authentication gets aborted.
  • Layout and Mapping are showing up in Transaction without updating template.
  • BPM home path is being set incorrectly.
  • Parameters defined to pass to the post-process are not getting set on post-process context.
  • Database target to update data to salesforce becomes slow. 


  • Click here to view bug fixes of Developer's Studio.


See also

Patch Deployment Guide