

Dashboard displays detailed information related to the execution of your Transactions. You can verify the status of the Transaction execution, execution details, errors occurred during execution, errors detail, and much more. Click  on the home page to open the Dashboard page.

Dashboard contains the following four sections displayed in the left pane of the screen. 

  • Overview (): This section displays the execution details of your recent Transactions, Partners, and Data Usage in the graphical form. This section also displays the execution details of EDI and Non-EDI Transactions in the donut and bar chart.

  • Transactions (

    ): This section displays the details of the Transactions that have triggered successfully but may or may not have been executed successfully. 

  • Trigger (): This section displays the details of the Transactions that are either fetching data, are queued, have not found any data, or have stopped due to an error while triggering.

  • Channel(

    ): This section displays the details of SAP logs.


This section displays the execution details of your recent Transactions, Partners, and Data Usage of last 30 days. You can also filter the graph on the basis of the Transactions, Partners, and Data Usage to view the execution details of last 30 days or last 7 days. Move the mouse pointer over the graphical area to view the details of the data processed (sent or received) and the number of times an execution has occurred for each of the categories.

You can also view the EDI and Non-EDI Transactions detail from the Overview section displayed below the graphical chart. Click the appropriate tab to view the details.

Transactions Tab Details





Internal Transactions

Displays the total number of Transactions (failed or successful) run by the Company. The successful and failed Transactions are displayed in the green and pink color.

Inbound Transactions

Displays the total number of Inbound Transactions (failed or successful) run by the Partner. The successful and failed Transactions are displayed in the green and pink color.

Outbound Transactions

Displays the total number of Outbound Transactions (failed or successful) run by the Partner. The successful and failed Transactions are displayed in the green and pink color.

Partner to Partner Exchange Transaction

Displays the total number of Partner to Partner Exchange Transactions (failed or successful). The successful and failed Transactions are displayed in the green and pink color.

Top 5 Partners By Transaction Run

Displays the list of top five Partners of a Company who had run the Transactions maximum number of times. The number in the chart corresponding to a Partner displays the number of times the Partner has run the Transaction.

Top 5 Partner to Partner Exchange Transaction Run

Displays the list of top five Partner to Partner Exchange Transactions of a Company who had run the Transactions maximum number of times. The number in the chart corresponding to a Partner displays the number of times the Partner has run the Transaction. Click here to enable this setting.

EDI Transactions Tab Details

Field Name


Field Name





Displays the number of acknowledgments segregated with the following status:

  • Sent: Number of acknowledgments sent for the successful Inbound Transactions.

  • Reconciled: Number of acknowledgments received from the Partner for the successful outbound Transactions.

  • Overdue: Number of acknowledgments not received from the Partner after the expiry time for the successful outbound Transactions.

  • Pending: Number of acknowledgments to be received from the Partner for the successful outbound Transactions.

  • Queued: Number of acknowledgments to be sent and are in the queued state for the successful Inbound Transactions.

Inbound Transactions

Displays the total number of Inbound Transactions (failed or successful). The successful and failed Transactions are displayed in the green and pink color respectively.

Outbound Transactions

Displays the total number of Outbound Transactions (failed or successful). The successful and failed Transactions are displayed in the green and pink color respectively.

Top 5 Partners By Volume

Displays the top five Partners with the maximum number of Transactions (inbound and outbound).

Top 5 Message Types By Volume

Displays the EDI and Non-EDI Message types with the number of volumes. The volume in each of the Transaction is calculated by the number of transaction sets in each type. All non-EDI Message types are shown as the Other option on the graph.

Inbound Acknowledgments

Displays acknowledgment summary of Partner's Inbound Transactions. Acknowledgment summary of a particular Partner can also be viewed by selecting the Partner from the drop-down list.

Outbound Acknowledgments

Displays acknowledgment summary of Partner's Outbound Transactions. Acknowledgment summary of a particular Partner can also be viewed by selecting the Partner from the drop-down list.


This section displays the details of the Transactions that are executed successfully or aborted. You can also filter the data to view the execution details of either last 30 days or last 7 days. 

You need to configure the value of the abpm.EDI.logRetainTime property in the log-cleanup.properties file (.../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/ServerKernel/etc) to view execution details of either 30 days or 7 days. By default, the value is set to 5, therefore, you can only view the execution details of last 5 days only irrespective of the option selected as Last 30 days or Last 7 days.  

Click to view only aborted Transactions.

Post Process Transactions

You can also view the execution details of all the Transactions and Process Flows called in the Post Process Transaction by clicking . However, to view the process flows logs on Dashboard, you have to select View Logs on Connect Dashboard option while creating a process flow in the Developer's Studio.

The following table lists the description of the fields.

Field Name


Field Name



Name of the Transaction.


Name of the Template used for creating Transaction.


Name of the Partner for which Transaction is executed.


Type of Transaction whether App Inbound or Outbound or File Inbound or Outbound.


Date and time when the Transaction was executed.


Displays the name of the source file used in the Transaction. In case, track variable function is used in the mapping, this field will display the tracked value. If multiple values are tracked, View link is displayed listing all the tracked values.

You can also view the values of the track variables created in the Developer's Studio Data Mapper. For this, you need to use PF_ReferenceID as a second parameter in the Track Variable function in the Developer's Studio Data Mapper. For example, trackVariable($_class ,'PF_ReferenceID' ,'BUNAME' ,$Input_Text_edi/Root/Record/Seatno)

This field will display the tracked value if both source file and tracked variable function are used in the Transaction.





Displays the status of the Transaction. The status can be Fetching, No Data, Queued, Running, Success, and Abort.

Fetching: Transaction is fetching data from the specified location.

No Data: Transaction couldn't find any data at the specified location so far.

Queued: Transaction is in a queue and is waiting to fetch data.

Running: Transaction execution is in progress. 

: Successful execution of the Transaction.

: An error in the execution of the Transaction.























: View details of the execution. Execution status is displayed graphically.

indicates all the stages of the Transaction execution have been processed successfully.

Click to view the execution details.

In case of an error, the status is displayed with the cause and fix of an error.

Click to view the error details.

: Re-runs the aborted Transaction after rectifying an error. You can only Re-run the Transaction till the time its reprocessing file is available and not deleted by the cleanup job.

You can either Re-run the Transaction from the last failure stage or upload a new file to Re-run the Transaction.

You can only Re-run the parent Transaction in case of Post Process Transactions.

: Displays the detailed logs of the process flow (running in the background of Adeptia Connect, that is, in the Developer's Studio). It also displays the activities used in the process flow that is executed to process the Transaction.

: Displays the list of repository files created during execution of the Transaction or process flow.

: Displays the log details of the activities used in the process flow to execute the Transaction.

:  Displays the value of the context variables used in the Transaction or process flow.


This section displays the details of the Transactions that are either fetching data, are queued, have not found any data, or have stopped due to an error while triggering.

The below table lists the description of the fields.

Field Name


Field Name



Name of the Transaction.


Name of the Template used for creating Transaction.


Name of the Partner for which Transaction is executed.


Type of Transaction whether App Inbound or Outbound or File Inbound or Outbound.

Previous Run

Date and time when the Transaction was last executed.

Next Run

Date and time when the Transaction will execute next.


Status of the Transaction - Running, Queued, Fetching, No Data, and Stopped.

Last Execution Status

Status of the Transaction when executed last.


History of the Transaction when triggered last.


This section displays the details of SAP logs that are generated while sending files from SAP Client to the server. You can also filter the data to view logs of either last 30 days or last 7 days.

You need to configure the value of the abpm.EDI.logRetainTime property in the log-cleanup.properties file (.../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/ServerKernel/etc) to view execution details of either 30 days or 7 days. By default, the value is set to 5, therefore, you can only view logs of last 5 days only irrespective of the option selected as Last 30 days or Last 7 days.  

Field Name


Field Name


Created Date

Date and time when the log is generated.


SAP Transaction ID.

TID Status


EXECUTED: SAP Client sent an IDoc file but server fails to receive.

CONFIRMED: SAP Client sent an IDoc file and is received at the server.

IDoc Number

IDoc number.

IDoc type

Type of IDoc.

Sender Name

Name of the sender.

Receiver Name

Name of the receiver.



SENTANDCONFIRMED: IDoc file received at the server.

FAILTOSEND: IDoc file not received at the server.


Displays error details for FAILTOSEND status only.


IDoc file sent or received.

Icons/Buttons on Dashboard





Refresh the Dashboard screen.

View all executed Transactions.

View only aborted (error) executed Transactions.

Displays all transactions and EDI and EDIFACT Interchanges and Messages.

Displays the Transaction execution details for last 7 days or 30 days.

Switch between pages or reach a specific page directly.

Search a specific Transaction.

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