Spazio MFT/s
Spazio MFT/s is a product tailored to meet the Managed File Transfer requirements of medium and large companies. It enables the management of sending/receiving files to/from partners in a secure and guaranteed way. It allows you to centrally manage multiple file transfer products (in-house, open, standard or proprietary solutions) thereby reducing costs and increasing business agility.
You can use Spazio MFT/s either at the Source or Target. To use Spazio MFT/s, you need to define Spazio MFT/s Listener and Spazio MFT/s Target at the Source and Destination application.
This application is accessible to licensed users only. Contact Adeptia Support Team for the license.
Creating Spazio MFT/s Listener
Click to create Spazio MFT/s Listener account.
Field Name | Description |
Name | Name of the Spazio MFT/s Listener. |
Description | Description of the Spazio MFT/s Listener. |
Spazio MFT/s Connection | Name of the Spazio MFT/s Connection. This will list all the connections created in the Manage Objects screen. |
Queue | Name of the default Queue where files are queued. |
User Class | Name of the Spazio MFT/s user class. |
Sender Name | Name of Spazio MFT/s sender. The sender in this context is a logical Spazio MFT/s level sender identifier (not the actual userid/subject in AuthN/AuthZ terms) and can be used for filtering. |
Correlation Id | Name of Spazio MFT/s correlation identifier. Correlation identifier is a logical tag that can be associated with Spazio MFT/s files having some business level affinity (for example, "PAYROLL.FILES") and can be used for filtering. |
User Id | Spazio MFT/s connection user id. |
Password | Spazio MFT/s connection password. |
Creating Spazio MFT/s Target
Click to create Spazio MFT/s Target account.
Field Name | Description |
Name | Name of the Spazio MFT/s Target. |
Description | Description of the Spazio MFT/s Target. |
Spazio MFT/s Connection | Name of the Spazio MFT/s Connection. This will list all the connections created in the Manage Objects screen. |
Queue | Name of the default Queue where files are queued. |
User Class | Name of the Spazio MFT/s user class. |
Sender Name | Name of Spazio MFT/s sender. The sender in this context is a logical MFT level sender identifier (not the actual userid/subject in AuthN/AuthZ terms) and can be used for filtering. |
Correlation Id | Name of Spazio MFT correlation identifier. Correlation identifier is a logical tag that can be associated with Spazio MFT/s files having some business level affinity (for example, "PAYROLL.FILES") and can be used for filtering. |
User Id | Spazio MFT/s connection user id. |
Password | Spazio MFT/s connection password. |
File Description | Description of the Spazio MFT/s file. |
Data Type | Nature of the data contained in the file either Text or Binary. |
Record type | File record structure either Fixed or Variable. Stream means no record structure and is the only supported option for binary files. Most files will be either binary/stream or text/variable. In case of fixed record structure, the record length will be automatically determined based on the length of the first record. |
EOR Type | End-of-record type for record structured text files. The options are PlatDefault, CRLF, and LF. PlatDefault means that the EOR value will be set to the actual platform-specific default EOR for the platform where the process flow is running. For Linux, EOR will be LF. |
Destination File Name | File name, without the path, used for rendering files on Spazio MFT/s managed by a virtual file system and as a suggested filename for file consumer applications/CLIs. |