Spazio MFT/s

Spazio MFT/s

Spazio MFT/s is a product tailored to meet the Managed File Transfer requirements of medium and large companies. It enables the management of sending/receiving files to/from partners in a secure and guaranteed way. It allows you to centrally manage multiple file transfer products (in-house, open, standard or proprietary solutions) thereby reducing costs and increasing business agility.

You can use Spazio MFT/s either at the Source or Target. To use Spazio MFT/s, you need to define Spazio MFT/s Listener and Spazio MFT/s Target at the Source and Destination application. 

This application is accessible to licensed users only. Contact Adeptia Support Team for the license.

Creating Spazio MFT/s Listener

Click  to create Spazio MFT/s Listener account.

Field Name


Field Name



Name of the Spazio MFT/s Listener.


Description of the Spazio MFT/s Listener.

Spazio MFT/s Connection

Name of the Spazio MFT/s Connection. This will list all the connections created in the Manage Objects screen.


Name of the default Queue where files are queued.

User Class

Name of the Spazio MFT/s user class.

Sender Name

Name of Spazio MFT/s sender. The sender in this context is a logical Spazio MFT/s level sender identifier (not the actual userid/subject in AuthN/AuthZ terms) and can be used for filtering.

Correlation Id

Name of Spazio MFT/s correlation identifier. Correlation identifier is a logical tag that can be associated with Spazio MFT/s files having some business level affinity (for example, "PAYROLL.FILES") and can be used for filtering.

User Id

Spazio MFT/s connection user id.


Spazio MFT/s connection password.

Creating Spazio MFT/s Target

Click  to create Spazio MFT/s Target account.

Field Name


Field Name



Name of the Spazio MFT/s Target.


Description of the Spazio MFT/s Target.

Spazio MFT/s Connection

Name of the Spazio MFT/s Connection. This will list all the connections created in the Manage Objects screen.


Name of the default Queue where files are queued.

User Class

Name of the Spazio MFT/s user class.

Sender Name

Name of Spazio MFT/s sender. The sender in this context is a logical MFT level sender identifier (not the actual userid/subject in AuthN/AuthZ terms) and can be used for filtering.

Correlation Id

Name of Spazio MFT correlation identifier. Correlation identifier is a logical tag that can be associated with Spazio MFT/s files having some business level affinity (for example, "PAYROLL.FILES") and can be used for filtering.

User Id

Spazio MFT/s connection user id.


Spazio MFT/s connection password.

File Description

Description of the Spazio MFT/s file.

Data Type

Nature of the data contained in the file either Text or Binary.

Record type

File record structure either Fixed or Variable. Stream means no record structure and is the only supported option for binary files.

Most files will be either binary/stream or text/variable. In case of fixed record structure, the record length will be automatically determined based on the length of the first record.

EOR Type

End-of-record type for record structured text files. The options are PlatDefault, CRLF, and LF. PlatDefault means that the EOR value will be set to the actual platform-specific default EOR for the platform where the process flow is running. For Linux, EOR will be LF.

Destination File Name

File name, without the path, used for rendering files on Spazio MFT/s managed by a virtual file system and as a suggested filename for file consumer applications/CLIs.