Process Flow Objects
If you have selected multiple groups in the step 3 and PROCESSFLOW OBJECTS option, then objects associated with all Process Flows are exported. However, if you have selected only one group, then the list of Process Flows associated with the selected group will display. Provide the Process Flow you want to export and press ENTER. You can also select more than one process flow separated by comma (,). Provide the range (1-10) or a combination of both (1,2, 5-9, 13).
All Objects
Select the service you to export and click Next to select the object export filter criteria.
Some service names have changed across the version and because of that some service may be shown multiple times with different names. Following table shows those services and their name.
Current Service Name | Old Service Names |
Data Mapping | Mapping Transformation |
Custom Plugin | Scripted Service |
Database Event | DBEvent |
When you export a project then the export file does not include the activities outside of the project even if you are using it in the process flow of that project. You need to explicitly export all the dependent activities separately.
On Select Filtering Criteria screen, select the filter column, comparison criteria, and comparison value in the Specify filter criteria, Specify comparison criteria, and Specify comparison value respectively.
If you select < in the Specify comparison criteria drop-down list box, wizard will include all the objects in the export file that are less than the date specified in the Specify comparison value text box.
If you select > in the Specify comparison criteria drop-down list, wizard will include all the objects in the export file that are greater than the date specified in the Specify comparison value text box.
Project Objects
Provide the project you want to export and press ENTER. You can also select more than one project separated by comma (,). Provide the range (1-10) or a combination of both (1,2, 5-9, 13).