Creating Web Service Consumer Activity using EasyWSDL Parser

This section explains how to create WS Consumer activity, when the Adeptia Suite is configured to use EasyWSDL parser. By default the parser is set as EasyWSDL. 

Steps to create Web Service Consumer activity using EasyWSDL Parser

  1. On the Adeptia Suite homepage, click the Develop tab.
  2. Go to Services > Web Services and then click Consumer. This action will display you the ConsumerManage screen (see Figure 305).

    Figure 305: Consumer Manage Screen

  3. Click the CreateNew link. This action will display you the New Web Service Consumer screen (see Figure 306).

    Figure 306: New Web Service Consumer Screen

  4. Enter the name and description of the new activity in the Name and Description textboxes respectively.
  5. In case the WSDL file contains characters that do not fall into the default character set encoding then, you can change it in the Character Set Encodingtextbox. By default, this textbox displays the character set encoding that you have defined at the application level.

    You can check the Service Name and Bindings of a WSDL file to verify its character set encoding.

  6. Ensure that the Consumer Type is SOAP.
  7. Select the URI Location of the WSDL file. Select HTTP radio button if your WSDL file is on a HTTP location. If your WSDL file is on a local machine or on a LAN network then, select the Local/LAN radio button.
  8. If you select the HTTP radio button in the previous step then, enter the HTTP URL in the WSDL URL (HTTP URL) field.
  9. If your wsdl file is on local machine or on a LAN network then select Local/LAN radio button in the previous step.
  10. In case your WSDL file is referring to another file, you can either choose an existing file reference activity from the File References drop-down list or click on the  button to create a new file reference activity. You can also click on the button, if you want to update an existing file reference activity.

    To know how to create a file reference activity, please refer to the Creating a File Reference Activity section.

  11. If your WSDL file is on a local network then enter its path in the WSDL File Path (Local/Lan) field. Click the Browse WSDL button to select the WSDL file path. This action will open the Upload WSDL File window (see Figure 307).

    Figure 307: Upload WSDL File Window

  12. Click the Browse button to choose the WSDL file and then click the Upload File button to upload the file (see Figure 308).

    Figure 308: Create Web Service Consumer Activity

  13. Click the Next button. This action will show you the Web Service Consumer screen (see Figure 309 ).

    Figure 310: Web Service Consumer Properties Screen

  14. Click the Next button. This action will show you the Consumer Standard PropertiesWSA Addressing Properties, and Advanced Properties (see Figure 310).

    Figure 309: Select binding for Consumer Activity Screen

    If there is only one service name in your WSDL file then the Adeptia Suite will show that service name as selected. If there are multiple service names in your WSDL file then the Adeptia Suite will show you all the services in a drop-down list options in the Service Name field. In this case, you have to select the service that you want.
    When you select the service name, it will then populate the Binding field automatically. This field displays only those bindings, that correspond to the service name, which you will select in the Service Name field. If in the WSDL definition file there is only one binding for any service name then, by default you will see only that binding in the Binding field. However, if there are multiple bindings for a service name then, you will see all the bindings in the drop-down list.

    A lot of WSDL files by default come with a dummy endpoint that do not point to the actual location of the service, but instead contains a dummy link, for example - http://example/servicename.
    This is because sometimes the WSDL file describes what the service looks like, but do not point where it is located. Therefore it should be possible to override the endpoint from within the Web Service Consumer configuration instead of having to do via the Process Designer.

  15. If the Web Service that you want to access is secured then, select a security policy activity from the Security Policy dropdown list.


    You may also override the security policy activity that is being called within a consumer activity. For this, there is a context variable,securityPolicy. It is accessible via put-context-var action of a process flow designer. For details, refer to the following sections:

    • Overriding an activity using put-context-var
    • Creating Security Policy for Web Services 

    To learn about its Advanced Properties, please refer to the Changing Advanced Properties section.

  16. Click the Save button.