Monitoring Events

Events Monitoring feature allows you to monitor:

  • Events and the process flows triggered by the events.
  • List of Scheduled Events and the process flows registered with the events.
  • Firing Trend of the Events.
  • Recent errors in the process flow execution.
  • Recent errors in the events.

Steps to Monitor Events

  1. On the Monitor tab, click Dashboard > Events.

  2. To view the above information within a specific date and time range, click (  ) from the upper right corner of the screen. 


  3. Click the Calendar icon (  ) to enter the date range and also enter the time range in the respective fields. Once done, click Apply. This displays the events, the process flows, and their details conforming to the specified time range.

Click Refresh (  ), displayed at the the upper right-corner of the screen, to view the latest information.

  • By default, the information displayed in any of the panes is sorted in the descending order based on the Trigger Time. It means most recent information is displayed at the top.
  • You can sort the information based on any displayed field. To sort the information according to a particular field, click on the respective field name. When you first click field name, the information is sorted in the ascending order. When you click on the same field again, information is sorted in the descending order.
  • At any time, you can see ( ) or ( ) icon displayed adjacent to a particular field name. This conveys that the information in the pane is sorted based on this field in ascending or descending order respectively.

The Events Monitoring screen is divided into five panes: