To add API Documentation for RESTful web services:
Click Configure > WEB SERVICES > REST Provider.
On the REST Provider screen, click to the Restful web service.
Click Edit Documentation.
In the Edit Documentation window,enter the values for the fields in the sections, API Documentation and Method Details, as described in the tables next to the screenshot.
You can change the pre-populated values as per your requirements.
API Documentation
Title of your API documentation. It must contain alphanumeric and few special characters (_ - . : , @ $ ? \\ and space) and must start with an Alphabet/Underscore/Number).
A short description of the API Documentation.
Valid email address to send queries.
License Name
The name of the license for the API endpoint.
License URL
The URL of the license for the API endpoint.
A version for the API. It lets the user know exactly what sort of differences exist between the newest version and the version they are using.
Name of the API Documentation. By default, it shows the provider's value as the name.
Server Description
The name of the environment that will be displayed adjacent to the server URL in the API documentation. For example: Sandbox, Production, Testing etc.
Method Details
Purpose of the method.
Description of the method.
API Parameters
List of parameters, if provided at the time of creating Web Service Provider activity.
Method Presentation
Status code of the request, response, and fault. You can also provide the description of the status code.
Click Save.
Viewing Endpoint URL
To view Endpoint URL of a web service activity:
Click Configure > WEB SERVICES > REST Provider.
Click Endpoint in the Documentation column corresponding to the web service activity.
This displays the Endpoint URL in the new tab of your browser.
Viewing API Documentation
To view API documentation of a web service activity:
Click Configure > WEB SERVICES > REST Provider.
Click API Docin the Documentation column corresponding to the web service activity.
This displays the API documentation (OAS3 standards) of the selected activity in the new tab of your browser.
Click API Doc to view the API documentation of all web service activities.
Option Name
Show or hides all APIs.
List Operations
Displays the list view of all the expanded APIs.
Expand Operations
Expands all APIs to view details.
The list of all web service activities populates on the screen, in case you are viewing API documentation of all web service activities. Select the activity from the left menu to view API details of that activity.
Click API method or the expansion element to view the API details.
Provide the details in the fields, and click Try it out to view the response.
Changing Logo/Images in API Documentation
To change the logo of the API documentation:
Go to …<ConnectServerInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc folder.
Open file in the Text Editor.
Set the path of the logo/image in the property. The default URL is "images/api_doc_header.png". The dimension of the image should be between 50x50 and 50x650. Supported image types are PNG, JPG, GIF, and BMP."