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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


  1. Go to Develop > Services Schema > XML.

  2. Click XML Schema.


  3. On the New XML Schema window, type the name and description for new XML Schema in the Name and Description.

  4. Click Validate XML check box to validate the XML against an XSD file during execution. It works only when you use an XSD file to create an XML schema activity. In addition, this schema activity must be used in the process flow (which is generally not required in case of XML format). This option validates the entire XML at runtime.


    It is recommended to use XML Validator Activity in case you want to validate any portion of the XML stream.

    If you want to validate and process large XML files using Saxon parser

    On selecting the check box you need to provide the validator name (Native or Saxonica) to validate the file in the XML Validator field. If you don't provide the value in this field then your file will be validated by the default Native parser. However, you can also configure the validator parser (Native or Saxonica) globally for all the XML Schema activities created in Adeptia Suite

    then you need to set the value Saxonica in the

    in the abpm.xml.validator.engine property (.../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/etc/ file).

    For a particular activity, you need to set the value in the XML Validator field in the Advanced Properties

     For using Saxonica in validation, you need to update Saxon jar. Click the following link for the steps to update the jar.

    titleUpdating Saxonica .jar

    To use Saxonica as XML validator, you will have to change the jar name manually. Following are the steps to change the jar name.

    1. Go to ….Adeptia-installation-path\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\
    2. In the launcher properties file search for JAR:SAXON.
    3. Rename old saxon9pe.jar (old jar name) to saxon9ee.jar (new jar name)
    4. Restart kernel and web runner.

    Handling Saxonica in v6.9.1


    With upgrade to Adeptia Suite v6.9.2, existing customers using Adeptia Suite v6.9.2 will be automatically rolled back to the older version (i.e. saxon9pe.jar) of Saxonica. If you want to use Saxonica for XML validation, follow the steps mentioned above for changing the jar name.

    After you have upgraded Saxonica to ee version in latest version, you must run regression testing to ensure that all you’re existing mappings are working fine.


    The file will be validated using the parser if specified at the activity level irrespective of the parser specified in the abpm.xml.validator.engine property.

    It is recommended to use XML Validator Activity in case you want to validate any portion of the XML stream.

  5. Select one of the following Definition Modes - Import File, Web Service Consumer, Web Service Provider, and Web Form.
  6. Depending on the option chosen in the Definition modes, the further steps differ.
    If you have selected Import File option then
    1. If your XSD file is referring to another XSD file then you can either choose an existing file reference activity from the File References drop-down list or create a new file reference activity by clicking . You can update an existing file reference activity by clicking . Click here to know how to create a new file reference activity.
    2. Browse to and select the XSD file in the File Path
    3. Click Validate XSD to validate the path of the file in the File Path. You can validate all XML, XSD, or DTD files with this validator. If it is not an XSD file then the schema will convert it to an XSD file format and then validate.
    If you have selected Web Service Consumer option then 
    1. Select the pre-defined Web Service Consumer activity from the Consumer ID.
    2. Select from the following options the XSD type - Input, Output, and Header.
    If you have selected Web Service Provider option then 
    1. Select the pre-defined Web Service Provider activity from the Provider.
    2. Select from the following options the XSD type - Input and Output.

    If you have selected Web Form option then select the web form. 


    You will find all the items in the Consumer ID and Provider drop-down lists that you have created using WSDL4j parser. All the Consumer and Provider activities that you have created using the new parser (Easy WSDL) are directly loaded into the Data Mapper.

    Earlier due to the limitations of old XSD parser (CASTOR), you could not load XML Schema for certain types of XSD. As a workaround, you have to modify the XSD file. Adeptia Suite now has a new XSD parser (Easy Schema parser) which overcomes this problem. The Easy Schema parser also improves the performance when there are a lot of referential XSDs.

    Adeptia Suite provides interoperability between CASTOR and Easy Schema parser. You just need to edit and save an activity using the parser that you want to use. 

  7. Anchor
    Expand Advanced Properties.

  8. Type the XML validator name to parse the XML file in the XML Validator. The value can be Native or Saxonica. The XML file will be validated using the parser if specified in this field.

  9. Click Convert XML/DTD to XSD check box to instruct the schema to convert the entire XML/DTD to XSD.

  10. Click here to know about other fields.

  11. Click Save.
