Versions Compared


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Comment: Converted from version 'Adeptia_Connect_v3.3'.

A Process Flow for your Custom Template must follow these guidelines:


In case, there is a Database at Source or Target end, you must apply a condition in the Process Flow to skip the schema activity. This is because Database schema is bundled with source or target whichever is applicable.


return "database".equals((String)context.get(<<SOURCE/TARGET ACTIVITYNAME>>));


<SOURCE/TARGET ACTIVITYNAME> is the name of the Source or Target activity defined in the process flow. The name should be in double quotes (" ") here.

For example,

return "database".equals((String)context.get("FileSource"));

Click here to know how to set the code in the condition.


Custom Template - Limitations


  • The source set as a trigger can use any application, but for the sources other than trigger can use only following applications: File, FTP, Database, JMS, Email, and Spazio MFT/s.