Performing an Action within a Project

You can perform an action within a project. On the Project page, select the project and click the icon to view the action menu. These are the following actions which you can perform within a project. In addition, you can also check-in the activity, if you have enabled versioning in your Adeptia Connect installation. 

You cannot create an activity from the Projects page. You can only manage activities from this page.

Before performing an action within a project, ensure that you have logged into Adeptia Connect with Admin or IT User rights. 


Adeptia Connect provides a designated screen 'View Project' for you to view the details about a Project, including Project Name, Type, Creation date, associated Queue and Deployment, etc. This View Project screen is dynamic in nature in the sense that it shows you the information based on the current metadata of the Project.

To view the Project details:

  1. Click Configure Projects.
  2. On the Projects screen, select the required project and click More > View.


Follow these steps to edit the existing project.

  1. Go to Configure > Projects to view the list of existing projects.
  2. Click the  More  option under the Action column to view the action menu of the project you want to edit and then click Edit.
  3. On the Edit Project screen, update the project details.

  4. Click Save.

You may want to delete a project from Adeptia Connect after you have achieved your objective. You can only delete a project if:

  • You are an Administrator or IT user.
  • You are owner of the Project to be deleted.
  • Project has no activities. Delete the activities of a project before deleting it.
  • You must ensure that activities have no dependencies on other projects; else you need to move those activities to the relevant project. If you have not moved the activities with dependencies to another project, you will be automatically directed to the Move Activity page where you are required to select another project. 

Steps to Delete a Project

  1. Go to Configure > Projects to view the list of existing projects.
  2. Click the  More  option under the Action column to view the action menu of the project you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete. A dialog box appears prompting you to confirm the deletion. 

  4. Click Yes, delete it to delete the project.
  5.  If the project you want to delete has activities with dependencies on other projects, you will see Move Project page

  6. Click Move & Delete after selecting the Target Project and User and confirmation message is displayed.

 View Templates

Follow these steps to view the Templates applicable to the existing projects.

  1. Go to Configure > Projects to view the list of existing projects.
  2. Click the More option under the Action column to view the action menu of the project you want to view templates.
  3. Click View Templates and it will redirect you to Template Manage Page (Configure > Templates) and display the Templates which are applicable to this project.

 View Web Forms

Follow these steps to view Web Forms applicable to the existing projects.

  1. Go to Configure > Projects to view the list of existing projects.
  2. Click the More  option under the Action column to view the action menu of the project you want to view Web Forms.
  3. Click View Web Forms and it will redirect you to Web Form Manage Page (Configure > Web Forms) and display the Web Forms which are applicable to this project.

 View Activities

You can view the activities applicable to the existing projects.

  1. Go to Configure > Projects to view the list of existing projects.
  2. Click the More  option under the Action column to view the action menu of the project you want to view activities.
  3. Click View Activities and it will redirect you to Manage Object Page and display the list of activities which are applicable to this project.

You can get manage the activities at Manage Object Page by using Project, Activity, and Search properties.

 You can filter the project and its activities by selecting the project from the drop-down list of Select Project box.

 Move All

You can move an activity of a project to another project. You can move either all activities or the selected activities of a project.

Follow these steps to Move an Activity to another Project.

  1. Go to Configure > Projects to view the list of existing projects.
  2. Click the More  option under the Action column to view the action menu of the project you want to move.
  3. Click Move All and you will see Move Project page.

  4. Select the Target Project and Target User from the drop-down list and click Move.
  5. Your activities will be moved to respective Target Project and User.

 Grant Access

You can grant access to partners of projects using this option.

Follow these steps to grant access to partners.

  1. Go to Configure > Projects to view the list of existing projects.
  2. Click the More  option under the Action column to view the action menu of the project.
  3. Click Grant Access and you will see the Grant Access page with list of Partners.

  4. Click Grant Access to provide access to a particular Partner.
  5. Select Yes, grant it to grant the access.

    You can select number of Partners by clicking Grant Access.
  6. A confirmation message is displayed.

 Revoke Access

You can revoke access of partners from projects using this option.

Follow these steps to revoke access of partners.

  1. Go to Configure > Projects.
  2. On the Projects screen, select the required project and click More > Revoke Access.
  3. On the Revoke Access page, Click the Revoke Access button of the partner for which you want to revoke access from the project.

  4. Select Yes, Revoke it to revoke the access.
    A confirmation message is displayed.

 Synchronize With Head

You can sync all the activities of a project to latest version by using Synchronize With Head option. With this option, you can check-out the project.

Follow these steps to check-out the project.

  1. Go to Configure > Projects to view the list of existing projects.
  2. Click the More  option under the Action column to view the action menu of the project.
  3. Click Synchronize With Head and a dialog box appears prompting you to confirm synchronize project with Head.

  4. Click Yes to check-out the project and confirmation message is displayed.

 View Transactions

You can view the transactions associated with a project.

View Transactions option is visible only when you are logged in as a Company Only user.

To view transaction applicable to the project:

  1. Go to Configure > Projects.
  2. On the Projects manage page, select the required project and click More > View Transactions.

    All the transactions associated with the selected project are displayed.