Figure 41: Graphical Display of Selected User
This section displays the graphical display of all tasks assigned to the selected user. It displays two types of graphs:
- Ta sk Completion Trend Task Queue Details1
- Curre nt Tas ks Status Task Queue Details1
Task Completion Trend
This graph displays a representation of tasks assigned to the selected user, which were completed in the last 5 days and those, which are due in the next 5 days, related to the current date or specified date range. The completed tasks are depicted in blue and the due tasks are depicted in orange (which includes tasks due for today).
This information helps in analyzing the recent trend of tasks.
Current Tasks Status
This graph displays a representation of status of the running tasks of the selected user, as on the current day. Tasks that are running but are not due for completion today are referred to have an On Track status and are depicted in green color. Tasks that are running and are due for completion today are referred to have an At Risk status and are depicted in orange color. Tasks that are running and are already overdue are referred to have an Over Due status and are depicted in red color. This information helps analyze the performance rate of the selected user and compare the number of tasks that are on track and try to reduce the number of tasks that are overdue.
Detailed Task Queue
Figure 42: Detailed Task Queue of Selected User
This section displays information of all tasks assigned to the selected user, conforming to the specified date and time range (if specified). It displays a dynamic description of the process flow instance associated with tasks of the selected user. Clicking the process flow will display a history of all tasks associated with this instance. For details, refer to Task Histor y of Process Flow Process Instances#_Task_History_of section. Additionally, this section also displays the description of the process flow, name of task associated with the process flow, priority of the task, due date and time for the task, duration of task and task status.