Encounter an issue while Automatically registering or using our newly issued/renewed license in old/upgraded server. The below error is encountered when you try to start the Adeptia Kernel and Adeptia Webrunner. This issue will come with both of our products Adeptia Connect and Adeptia Integration Suite. | This issue is coming due to some bundled root certificates in the cacerts of Adeptia application. These certificates got expired on 30th May 2020 after which this issue started coming. A 'root' certificate is generally expected to mean a certificate which is self-signed (the same Subject and Issuer), but is also included by a vendor in a trusted root store. There are 3 root certificates we're generally talking about (5 if you include the ECC variants of COMODO CA and USERTRUST, which we haven't included here): Uses sha1WithRSAEncryption. Expires in May of 2020.
Uses sha384WithRSAEncryption. Expires in Jan 2038.
Uses sha384WithRSAEncryption. Expires in Jan 2038. For more details follow this link : Sectigo Chain Hierarchy and Intermediate Roots | Sectigo
| Error Message: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path validation failed: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: validity check failed: License server cannot be reached | To solve this issue please find the attached certificates and import these certificates in the application keystore (cacerts). Please follow below steps to resolve this issue: Stop the application. Download and extract the attached certificates and place them on the server location. Traverse to location ".\AdeptiaConnect-3.2\ConnectServer\jre\bin" or ".\AdeptiaSuite6.x\AdeptiaServer\jre\bin" and run Keytool.exe in command prompt.
keytool -import -file "<<path_to_Certificate_file>>" -keystore ".\AdeptiaConnect-3.2\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\truststore\cacerts" -alias <<Alias Name>> -storepass "changeit" Start the application after Importing both the certificates.
Below is the example of the command that has to be executed for certificate 1199354.crt : keytool -import -file "E:\certificates\1199354.crt" -keystore "D:\Adeptia Connect\AdeptiaConnect-3.2\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\truststore\cacerts" -alias "USERTrust RSA Certification Authority" -storepass "changeit" Below is the example of the command that has to be executed for certificate 1720081.crt : keytool -import -file "E:\certificates\1720081.crt" -keystore "D:\Adeptia Connect\AdeptiaConnect-3.2\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\truststore\cacerts" -alias "COMODO RSA Certification Authority" -storepass "changeit" |
Encounter an issue while updating the frevvo license multiple times with wrong license key. | Updating frevvo with wrong license key for multiple times can cause License Warning | This Error Message will Pop-up on the Screen: Unable to renew license for 0 attempt(s). Your license will expire in 0 day(s). Please contact frevvo for help. | Resolution: This issue can be fixed by restarting Frevvo server. Adeptia restart would reset the Frevvo server. Once the services are started then apply the Frevvo License. Note: In order to access RichForms from a secure server (HTTPS) you need to modify the following property in the server-configure.properties present under AdeptiaDirectory\\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc : abpm.frevvo.httpScheme from HTTP to HTTPS |
License error on Process flow execution | License 15 days trial periods exceeds | All the pods logs gives the License error Check the pod status if they are running state or not Check the logs for detailed error.
| Ask Product License Team (Shiwani W. and Gaurav Gaurav) to provide the new or renewed License and update in the environment. |